~|:|Chapter 6|:|~

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>>After the movie<<

 Midoriya opened his jaws in a wide yawn, snuggling closer to Todoroki. The two of them were still intertwined, Midoriya's head resting on his shoulder with Todoroki's arm wrapped around him. 

 Midoriya looked up at Todoroki, studying his features while he slept. It was only 2 in the afternoon, but he must've been tired from the other night. Midoriya's gaze wandered to the rest of him, his shirt lifting to expose a bit of his stomach.

 Midoriya tore his gaze away, blushing heavily. Careful not to wake Todoroki, he got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom. He started to roll up his sleeves and unwrap the bandages around his wrist, inspecting the cuts. 

 They had started to heal, so Midoriya discarded the bandages and washed up his arm, getting rid of the last traces of blood. Once his arm was clean, he shifted his gaze to the mirror, staring back at himself. 

 He could hear the harsh words coming back to haunt him, though he pushed them back, images of Todoroki filling his head instead. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he pulled his sleeves down, concealing his scars. He cast one last glance in the mirror before shutting off the light and walking back to the couch.

 He sat down beside Todoroki again, trying to get into a comfortable position without waking the other boy up. After a few minutes of struggling, Todoroki pulled Midoriya closer to him, not saying a word.

 Midoriya curled up under Todoroki's arm, a soft smile on both of their faces. Neither of them spoke, embracing the silence that lay between them. 

 The door opened behind them to reveal Inko, her arms full of grocery bags. Midoriya and Todoroki whipped around, their faces bright red.

 "I'm back!" She practically sang as she slid off her shoes, making her way toward the kitchen. Midoriya and Todoroki hastily broke apart, unable to meet each other's gaze.

 "Hey mom," Midoriya got up and walked over to Inko to help her unpack, leaving Todoroki to watch from the couch. Todoroki started to think about what had just happened. Why was he so comfortable with it? Why did he enjoy it so much? Why hadn't Midoriya pulled away? Wh-

 "Hey Todoroki, wanna go to the beach?" Midoriya's voice cut through his thoughts, making him look up. 

 "Oh, uh, yeah sure. That sounds fun." Midoriya grinned and quickly ran to his room, motioning for Todoroki to follow. "So I'm assuming you didn't pack swim trunks?"

"Yeah, sorry."

 "Oh no, it's fine! You can borrow some of mine, or we could stop at your house on the way?" Midoriya turned around and busied himself with packing a bag, throwing in a towel.

"Hmm... I'll just grab mine." 

 "Okay!" Midoriya looked down, realizing they were still in their pajamas. "We should get changed, then." Todoroki agreed and retrieved some clothes from his bag, going to the bathroom to change again.

 He re-entered the room with a black T-shirt on and some jeans, his hair messy from sleeping. Midoriya was wearing a large sweater and a pair of swim trunks, creating quite the fashion statement.

(Even tho I wear that all the time, kinda XD)

 "You sure you wanna wear that giant sweater? It's hot outside," Todoroki pointed out, slipping his pajamas into his bag. He ran his hand through his hair as a lame attempt to fix it.

 "Oh- uh, yeah." Midoriya suddenly realized the mistake he'd made. He had no options. If he wrapped up his arms, Todoroki would ask why, but if he didn't... Midoriya struggled to find a simple solution, deciding, in the end, to put it aside for the time being. "I'm fine with this!"

 "Okay, well, let's get going." Todoroki followed Midoriya outside, the warm air blowing past them. It ruffled his hair, messing it up even more. After about a 10 minute walk, they had ended up in front of Todoroki's house. Todoroki told Midoriya to wait outside as he quickly ran in and got changed.

 With that, the two boys started to walk toward the beach, silence laying heavily between them. On the horizon, they could see the sunlight bouncing off the water, signifying that they were almost there.

 5 minutes later, they set their stuff down in the soft sand and contemplated swimming. 

 "Well, let's go then." Todoroki sighed and took off his shirt, ignoring Midoriya's gaze as he studied the bruises marking his chest and stomach. Instead, he turned and started to walk into the water, shivering at how cold it was.

 Midoriya cursed under his breath and took off his sweater, making sure to keep his wrists behind him. He didn't need anyone worrying- especially not Todoroki. He'd noticed his bruises, though he didn't mention them. 

Midoriya rushed after Todoroki, gasping as the water reached his stomach. Todoroki sank down, letting the water reach his neck. Midoriya did the same, adjusting to the water. 

 The two of them swam around for a while, occasionally splashing at each other and laughing. Before they knew it, four hours had past and the sun had begun to set, painting the sky different shades of reds and oranges. 

"We should probably head back now," Midoriya yawned and made his way over to the bags, shivering at the sudden change in temperature. He quickly threw on his sweater, watching as Todoroki did the same. They grabbed all their stuff and began to walk back to Midoriya's, exhausted from all their swimming.

Todoroki glanced down at his phone, checking the time. 7 pm. 

 "So, whatcha wanna do now?" Midoriya asked, opening the door for Todoroki. They took off their shoes and went to Midoriya's room, sitting down on the bed.

"It's up to you, I'm fine with anything." 

 "Hmm... I dunno! Why don't we just hang out and play on our phones for now? If we get an idea, then we can always just switch to that," Midoriya suggested, looking up at Todoroki. His heterochromatic eyes displayed so many indistinguishable emotions... Midoriya wished he knew what Todoroki was thinking sometimes...

 "Sounds good to me. I'm gonna get changed quickly." Todoroki grabbed his pajamas and exited the room, pulling the door closed behind him. Midoriya pulled off his sweater, tossing it into the laundry basket. He heard Todoroki open the bathroom door moments later, and quickly threw on his shirt before opening the door.

 They both talked for a few hours, growing more tired as time wore on. Eventually, they both fell asleep again, Midoriya's soft snores filling the room. 

(I needed to find some way to end the chapter, so I just made them sleep again lol. Oof, they sleep a lot apparently, I'm turning them into me? Idk xD sorry, I'm trying to find new ways to end them, but this is just a habit)

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