~|:|Chapter 30|:|~

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( Oh, and btw I think I forgot to mention this, but they did change into pajamas. Todoroki brought Midoriya a spare pair of his as to keep the surprise more secret, so yeah, they're not sleeping in their fancy clothes!)

The bright sun shone through the small screen in the top of the tent, waking Todoroki from his slumber. He sighed, noticing the smaller boy in his arms.

He felt his cheeks grow warm as he gazed down at the fragile boy, his messy green hair spilling over his face, his pale skin and adorable freckles, each placed individually by an angel, his soft, kissable lips.

The memories of last night washed over him, from their star-gazing to their dance, and his confession... He still couldn't believe Midoriya said yes. Never in a million years would he think Izuku Midoriya would ever like him in return, yet here they were.

The green-haired boy in his arms suddenly began to stir, causing Todoroki to let go of him. Midoriya looked around for a few moments in confusion before remembering where they were, his gaze eventually finding Todoroki. 

"Good morning, Izu," Todoroki said, leaning forward and planting a kiss on his forehead. 

Midoriya opened his jaws in a wide yawn, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. "Good morning, Sho..."

"We should get going soon unless you want to spend the whole day packing up."

Midoriya groaned at this, flopping back down into the mountain of blankets and pillows. 

"Five more minutes..." He mumbled, his voice muffled by the blankets. Todoroki giggled, lifting the blankets from his face.

"No, you can sleep on the drive home. It's a two-hour drive, so you'll have plenty of time," Todoroki stated, pulling Midoriya to his feet. Midoriya sighed but followed him out of the tent, wincing at the bright light filling the clearing.

The two boys got to work, folding up the blankets and piling them in the car neatly, disassembling the tent and packing it in the bag, and checking for any garbage. 

 Within thirty minutes, they were on the road, the radio cutting the silence between them. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was... comfortable. 

Midoriya leaned his head against the window, watching the trees flash out of view, humming quietly to the song.

I've been getting tired of all these ghost boys telling me what to say There's two for my heart and two for my brain And the one for my body keeps running away I've been wasting time on all these ghost boys and all their selfish ways Believe me, I can and will fix what they've done

He slowly drifted off to sleep, leaving Todoroki to his thoughts as he drove them home.

Truth be told, Todoroki was seriously dreading going home. He knew he'd have to confront his father. He could already hear his harsh voice ringing through his head, calling him insults. 

Todoroki sighed, turning up the radio to let the lyrics consume him instead. He'd face his father when he felt the time was right.

>>Time skip brought to you by a tired and lazy ass writer! Heh...<<

"We're here," Todoroki stated, jerking Midoriya back to reality. 

"O-oh, right! Are you sure you don't wanna stay over anymore?" Midoriya looked up at him, a small, supportive smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I have to face him eventually. Anyways, thank you for letting me stay over for the last little while, it means a lot to me." Todoroki reached over, resting his hand on Midoriya's cheek.

Midoriya sighed before opening his mouth to speak.

"It's gonna be so quiet without you..." His green eyes filled with tears as he thought of leaving Todoroki. He knew it sounded selfish, but the truth was that he needed Todoroki. He felt safe with him, happy. Like nothing would ever go wrong again.

"Hey, hey, it's alright. This isn't goodbye, I'll still see you at school, and I'll try to text you whenever I can. I promise you, Izuku, I will never leave you. No matter what."

Midoriya sniffled, letting out a low chuckle. "Just- stay with me for a few more minutes?" The two boys were still sitting in the car, parked outside Midoriya's apartment building.

"Izu, I'll always be here. Forever and always." Todoroki whispered, leaning closer and pressing their foreheads together. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Midoriya pulled away, no longer crying. Instead, he had the remnants of a sad smile on his face.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Sho." Midoriya turned and started to walk up toward the door, holding the box of chocolates and bouquet of flowers in his arms.

Then, Todoroki pulled out and started the short drive toward his own home.

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