~|:|Chapter 22|:|~

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(gUys you can literally watch My Hero Academia: Two Heroes on Pornhub... I mean... It's free, just make sure to clear your search history. Definitely worth it tho, the movie's absolutely amazing)

Todoroki sighed, zipping up his bag. He and Midoriya were the last ones left in class, taking their time to pack up their stuff. Todoroki found that it was the easiest way to escape the crowd of students, all fighting to get out first.

 Todoroki looked up to see Midoriya standing in front of him, a wide smile on his face. Todoroki couldn't help but smile in return.

"Heya, Sho?" 


Midoriya hesitated, his voice coming out shaky. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with me tomorrow." Midoriya winced at how cringey that sounded. 

"Sounds fun, I'd love to go," Todoroki replied, an idea forming in his mind. "On one condition."

Midoriya's smile faltered, a million thoughts rushing through his head.


"You have to let me take you to dinner." Midoriya's face flushed bright red as he processed what the other boy had said. 

"L-like a date?"

Todoroki nodded, chuckling at how flustered he'd gotten. "Only if you want it to be."

Midoriya agreed, still struggling to human. After a few minutes, he'd calmed down, a small smile forming on his face.

Midoriya's smile grew wider as they turned to leave, finding the halls nearly empty. There were a few students, who, like them, stayed behind to dodge the sea of students.

"C'mon, we gotta hurry," Todoroki stated, looking at the clock on his phone. If his math was correct, they had about 10 minutes to get to the train station before the train left. That was just enough time.

"Oh, right!" Midoriya's pace quickened, though he still struggled to match Todoroki's speed.

Todoroki smiled and slowed down a little, just enough to save Midoriya the trouble. 

"So dinner at 6 tomorrow?" 


"Okay, so we should be done at the mall by then, giving you enough time to change, and then I'll come get you." 

"Where are we going?" Midoriya couldn't contain his curiosity. 

"You'll see. Just dress nice." 

"Okay!" By now, the two boys had reached the train station, hopping on the train right as the doors closed. They made their way to their usual seats, only to see they were occupied by... Bakugo and Kirishima?

Bakugo and Kirishima were too busy chatting to notice Todoroki and Midoriya, who decided to sit a few rows ahead. 

Midoriya was slightly confused as to why they were here. Recently, Bakugo had been getting rides from his mother, and Kirishima lived on the other side of town.

(In case you couldn't tell, they're going to Bakugo's house. Idk why, I don't remember writing this but whatever)

A loud laugh could be heard from the back of the train, causing most of the other passengers to turn around. Bakugo and Kirishima were currently engaged in a hushed conversation, their heads bent together.

"Those two have gotten close..." Todoroki commented, noticed how they were practically sitting on each other. 

Chuckling to himself, Todoroki turned back around, instead turning his attention to Midoriya. The smaller boy was leaning against Todoroki's shoulder, nearly asleep. Smiling to himself, Todoroki wrapped his arm around him.

The rest of the ride was rather quiet, with the occasional laugh from the back of the train. 

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