~|:|Chapter 18|:|~

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The sharp sounds of the alarm clock cut through the silence, waking Todoroki and Midoriya. Midoriya sighed and leaned over to turn it off, not realizing the position he was in.

Once his eyes adjusted, he saw Todoroki, their faces inches away. Midoriya jumped back, his face a blushing mess. Todoroki's face was also red, though he managed to stay calmer.

At least, that's what it looked like. On the inside, Todoroki was screaming.

Midoriya eventually calmed down, grabbing his uniform to change into. Todoroki did the same, rushing off to the bathroom. As he got changed, he stole a quick glance at the mirror.

His hair was messy, the back sticking up at an awkward angle and the colors crossing. He sighed and threw on his shirt before heading back to the room.

Midoriya was adjusting his tie, a frustrated expression on his face. Todoroki chuckled and set his clothes down before walking over to him. 

"Here, let me help you." Todoroki quickly fixed the tie to lay flat, giving Midoriya a more formal appearance. 

"Thanks!" Midoriya flashed a bright smile before buttoning up his blazer.

(I really hope I'm using that correctly lol. We don't have "blazers" here, and I was just going off something I saw in another fanfic, so correct me if I'm wrong)

Todoroki nodded and turned to put away his clothes as well as grab a brush. He looked in the mirror positioned on Midoriya's dresser, neatly combing his hair to lay flat.

"We should get going soon," Midoriya said, grabbing his bag. Todoroki looked at the clock on his phone, reading the time. They had about an hour until school, giving them just enough time to get to the train station.

"Yeah, let's go." Todoroki followed Midoriya out the door, trailing behind him like a lost puppy. 

(Let's be honest, he does follow Midoriya around everywhere)

The train arrived shortly after the boys, picking up the few students waiting. From what they could see, there were one or two students from UA, the rest coming from different schools.

Midoriya led Todoroki to the back, sitting in the window seat. Todoroki sat down next to him, listening intently as Midoriya rambled on about whatever nonsense was on his mind.

Todoroki smiled, not really minding that he was talking his ear off. His enthusiasm was enough for Todoroki.

As per usual, Midoriya fell silent around half-way, turning to gaze out the window. Todoroki took this time to go on his phone, scrolling through Instagram and other things like that. 

20 minutes later, the train rolled to a stop. Todoroki and Midoriya got to their feet, rushing off the train to get to school. They still had a while, so they weren't too concerned. 

Midoriya was awkwardly tugging at his sleeves, scratching the back of his neck, and just fidgeting a lot. Todoroki took notice of this and gently rested his hand on his shoulder.

"What's up?"

Midoriya jumped at his touch, seemingly startled. "Oh, s-sorry! I didn't even realize I was fidgeting so much."

Todoroki chuckled, letting go of Midoriya. As the school came into view, they started to recognize more of the students walking among them. 

Up ahead, Uraraka was walking with her head hanging low. Midoriya rushed off towards her, leaving Todoroki to his thoughts. 

Todoroki didn't see Midoriya until class had started, making it impossible to talk to him. He noticed that he and Uraraka seemed to be on better terms, causing Todoroki to feel slightly jealous.

Present Mic entered the room a short while later, talking their ears off about Valentine's day. Todoroki had completely forgotten about the stupid holiday...

(And this is the point I realized I never wrote about Valentine's day and I screwed up, but I was able to quickly write some crap about it. Agh, I'm sorry! Nothing special's really going to happen, at least I don't think so..)

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