~|:|Chapter 26|:|~

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Midoriya stared into the mirror anxiously, running his hand through his messy hair in a pointless attempt to control his outrageous curls. Suddenly, panic rushed through him as he heard someone knocking at the door. 

He contemplated hiding, pretending he wasn't home. He knew it was cruel, but he didn't think his legs would support him. The knocking pursued a second time, jolting Midoriya back to reality. He scrambled down the hall, tripping over his own feet.

Taking a deep breath, Midoriya opened the door to reveal Todoroki. His hair was neatly combed, as per usual. He wore a red dress shirt, accompanied by a black vest and white tie, as well as black skinny jeans and his black converse. (It's fashion, okay?)

 Todoroki smiled at the sight of Midoriya, his cheeks flushing a light pink. The smaller boy wore a short-sleeved blue button-up, his usual jeans, and lastly, his giant red shoes.

Snapping out of his reverie, Todoroki held out his hand, which the other boy gratefully accepted. Todoroki led him down the stairs to the street, where a red convertible was parked. 

Todoroki opened the door for Midoriya before walking around to the driver's seat, fumbling with something for a moment. Midoriya was admiring the car in awe, having never been in a vehicle this nice.

Todoroki turned to face Midoriya, a bouquet of carnations in his hand, as well as a box of chocolates. Midoriya was clearly flustered by this and struggled to form his words.

Todoroki only smiled as the smaller boy took them, sniffing the flowers.

"Shall we go to dinner?" He asked, watching as the smaller boy marveled over the flowers.

"Y-yeah!" Todoroki chuckled and pulled out onto the road, the music from the radio filling the awkward silence between them. After a few minutes, Midoriya opened his mouth to speak.

"A-are you sure about this? Like, are you sure about me? There's nothing special, and other people could always treat you better. I mean, what good am I to you? I feel like it's unfair to you..."

Todoroki turned to see Midoriya staring down at the flowers, tears now forming in his brilliant green eyes. Carefully, Todoroki pulled over on the side of the road.

He reached over, placing a gentle hand on Midoriya's leg, his other hand reaching for his cheek. He brushed his finger over it, wiping away some of the tears that had fallen.

"Izu, you mean the world to me. You may not see it, but you are special. You saved me, on multiple occasions. I don't know who I'd be without you, hell, I don't even know if I'd still be here. Izuku, never tell yourself you're not good enough, because you are. I love you, more than you could ever know."

Todoroki blushed once he realized what he'd said, though Midoriya only sniffled. 

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying. Let's just go have fun," Midoriya apologized, showing a weak smile. Todoroki sighed and nodded, returning his hands to the steering wheel and pulling back into traffic.

The smaller boy seemed to feel better afterward, pointing out little things that Todoroki had never noticed before, like how the lights from the city looked like fireflies.

10 minutes later, they'd arrived at the restaurant. 

(Btw, I don't rlly know any restaurants, so Imma just make one up and hope it's not a real restaurant.)

The large sign read "Soyokaze" in a deep red cursive. Just from one glance at the place, you could tell it was expensive. Todoroki smiled and held out his hand, which Midoriya accepted before they both walked inside.

Midoriya couldn't help but feel out of place here. After all, he'd grown up without much money, and suddenly he was eating at one of the fanciest restaurants he could think of. 

Todoroki seemed to sense his unease, for he gently squeezed his hand, running his thumb over the back of it. Midoriya leaned into Todoroki, his head resting on the taller boys shoulder.

Finally, it was their turn to sit down.

"Reservation for Todoroki," He said to the hostess, who then led them to a booth near the back. 

"Here you are! Someone'll be around shortly to get you some drinks. Have a lovely evening!" She placed the menus on the table before rushing off toward the doors again, seating another couple.

The two boys scanned the menus, eventually deciding on some stuff. Midoriya chose sashimi as an appetizer and katsudon as his entree. Todoroki just got his usual cold soba. 

Sure, they could've gotten their meals anywhere, but it was the only things they understood on the menu, so they just went with that.

As promised, a waitress came by with a notebook in hand. Her nametag read "Akari", and she had long white hair pulled into a messy bun.

"Hello, my name is Akari and I will be your waitress for this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?" 

"Uh, yes. I'll have a... iced tea please." Todoroki nodded at Midoriya, his heterochromatic eyes calming him instantly. See, Midoriya always had horrible anxiety, which left him breaking down over the smallest things like crossing the street, talking to people, and yes, ordering.

"R-rootbeer please," He mumbled, trying his best to be heard over the chatter. Somehow, the waitress heard and rushed off, leaving them alone once again.

Todoroki sighed, reaching across the table to hold Midoriya's hand. Just his presence filled him with joy, and he wanted to enjoy every moment they had.

"So, after this, I have a surprise for you." 

Midoriya looked up, meeting his gaze. "Another one? Jeez, Sho, you're just full of surprises," He giggled, causing a small smile to cross Todoroki's face.

"Alright, so iced tea for you, and rootbeer for you?" A voice interrupted the moment, causing them to break apart. Todoroki cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Y-yeah, thanks. And we're ready to order now." 

((Sorry I was away for a while, I've just been trying to work through some stuff, and I haven't been able to write properly. I had to force myself through this, so it might seem awkward. I plan on working on this more, sooo yeah! There should be a few more parts to this date, and I'm kinda excited. Does anyone know any cute songs that could play during the date? It'll end up being important in a bit))

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