~|:|Chapter 13|:|~

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>>Time skip<< (Cos I'm tired and lazy ;w;)

Todoroki sighed and set his bag down on the floor before flopping down onto the bed. Midoriya flopped down beside him, letting out a low huff. After a few moments, Todoroki broke the silence.

"You know you can tell me if anything's bothering you?" Todoroki shifted so that his arm was underneath him, propping him upright as he faced Midoriya.

The younger boy stared at him for a moment before looking away, clenching his jaw in annoyance. "I told you. I'm fine." Midoriya sighed and got to his feet, walking over to his dresser.

"I'm going for a shower." He muttered, grabbing a random pair of pajamas. The door closed with a small slam, though unintentional, it still made Todoroki flinch.

What the fuck was this cinnamon buns problem??

Midoriya glared at his reflection, his emerald eyes dark, filled with the shadows of his past. Gritting his teeth, he turned away from the mirror. He turned on the shower, letting the water heat up as he got undressed.

His wrists were marked with the scars of his mistakes, a constant reminder that he'd never be good enough. 

Midoriya turned off the water, stepping out of the tub again. He glanced toward the mirror which was fogged up from the shower. He reached over and wiped away some of the steam, revealing an exhausted-looking boy.

Todoroki looked up from his phone, noticing Midoriya enter the room. He wore an oversized white t-shirt and black basketball shorts, his hair sticking up at odd angles.

"I'm gonna quickly shower too if that's alright," Todoroki said, getting to his feet and stretching. Midoriya nodded and sat down on the bed, pulling out a book.

He heard the door close behind Todoroki, leaving Midoriya all alone. His heart suddenly felt empty, he wanted to call out for Todoroki to come back, though he forced himself to stay quiet.

Turning his attention to the book instead, he flipped it open to a random page. A piece of paper fluttered onto his lap, filling him with confusion.

He grabbed the piece of paper, thinking it was a page from the book. Instead, it was a drawing of... Midoriya? His face flushed a light shade of red, noticing the amount of detail.

His gaze shifted to Todoroki's bag sitting in the far corner of the room, the realization hitting him. A small smile crossed his face as he crossed over to his desk.

He grabbed a thumbtack and stuck the drawing onto the wall beside one of his posters. Every few minutes, his eyes would wander back to the piece of paper, filling him with joy.

He felt like such an ass for treating Todoroki like that... He'd have to make it up to him...

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