~|:|Chapter 9|:|~

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Midoriya was the first to break the silence, closing the book he was reading and setting it down on the floor. He peeked over the edge of the bed at Todoroki, who was drawing intently.

"I'll be right back," He said, getting to his feet. He walked out into the hall, the floorboards creaking under his weight. His footsteps faded off as he entered the bathroom, turning the light on with a sharp click. 

Midoriya leaned over the sink, his hands clutching both sides of the ceramic. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. After a few moments, turned on the tap and splashed some water into his face, letting the cold wash away his thoughts.

 Midoriya opened his jaws in a wide yawn as he re-entered the room, walking over to the bed and flopping down beside Todoroki. Todoroki looked up from his drawing, a silver smudge on his cheek and hands.

 "You okay?" 

 "Huh? Oh, yeah, just tired." Midoriya sat up, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand. Todoroki closed his sketchbook and set it aside before leaning over to Midoriya.

"You sure? If you want, we can go to sleep. It's getting pretty late anyways."

(tbh I don't remember what time it is in this story, so just go with it i guess lol)

Midoriya hesitated before nodding, glancing at the clock. It was 10:57 already, so he got to his feet and grabbed his pajama's. Todoroki got up and grabbed his own from his bag and left toward the bathroom.

About 2 minutes later, Todoroki flipped off the light switch, filling the room with darkness. He walked over to the bed and crawled in, his back facing Midoriya. He decided to go on his phone for a while, not wanting to disturb Midoriya too much.

(Hmm, do guys share beds at sleepovers? Or is that only girls? I should probably ask, lol)

After an hour or so, Todoroki yawned and shut off his phone, casting one last glance at Midoriya. He always looked so peaceful...

(A/N: Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I've been losing motivation and I've been super stressed, my emotions are getting to me, but I should be fine sooner or later lol. Sorry this chapter was so short and weird, also, the reason I make them sleep all the time is probably cos I'm fucking tired and that's the one thing I want lol. I'll probably make a valentines day thing for this story soon, so yeah!) 

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