~|:|Chapter 19|:|~

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The bell rang, signifying the end of class. Todoroki grabbed his notebook and shoved it into his bag, looking up to see Midoriya waiting. He had a wide grin on his face as the two boys made their way to the cafeteria together.

When they entered the cafeteria, they noticed a large group of students crowded around a table covered in different assortments of desserts. 

(Basically, that's something my old school did, so I decided to randomly include that)

Todoroki led the way, deciding to check out what the commotion was. Looking down at Midoriya, he noticed the boy staring longingly at a chocolate cake.

"I'll take two slices." Todoroki handed over some money, ignoring Midoriya's protests. Todoroki passed Midoriya a piece and led the way to a table near the back.

Shortly later, Uraraka, Iida, and Tsuyu came over to join them. Uraraka seemed to be in a much better mood, though it looked like she was hiding something.

Todoroki shrugged it off and took a bite of the cake, watching as Midoriya did the same. He couldn't help but smile as the younger boy got a bit of icing on his nose.

Todoroki chuckled and leaned over to wipe it off, his face a light shade of pink. Midoriya, on the other hand, was red as a strawberry, his green hair completing the look.

The group continued to talk about whatever came to mind, giving Midoriya time to regain his composure. 

A short while later, the bell rang. The cafeteria erupted into chaos as students cleaned up their tables. Midoriya grabbed his plates and headed to the trash can, accompanied by Todoroki.

Midoriya shivered, turning to look around the room. Todoroki seemed to notice the sudden action, for he turned to face Midoriya. 

"You okay?"

Putting on a wide grin, Midoriya responded. "Yeah, sorry about that! Just got distracted!" 

Todoroki watched as the smaller boy joined the rest of the crowd, fighting to get to their classroom. Shaking off his suspicions, Todoroki eased his way into the crowd.

When he finally broke free of the sea of students, Todoroki looked around the classroom. A few students were already there, though most were still stuck in the halls.

Todoroki sighed and walked over to his desk at the back of the room, his gaze catching on Midoriya's empty table. He should've made it before him... He must've just got caught in the crowd.

Todoroki pulled out his phone, opening his photos and gazing down at one in particular. To anyone else, it would've seemed creepy, but it filled Todoroki with joy to see the peaceful boy, forever captured in the moment.

Upon further inspection, Todoroki noticed something that made his heart freeze. The world started to spin out of control as he got to his feet, making his way to the door.

Todoroki pushed past a few students, earning angry and confused cries in return. The halls were nearly empty at this point, most of the students in their classes.

The sun filtered through the windows, filling the halls with a blinding light. Feeling nauseous, Todoroki leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. He took a few deep breaths, trying to regain his mindset.

After a few moments, Todoroki grabbed his phone again. He stared at the picture, his eyes tracing the scars that littered the smaller boys' wrists. How had he never noticed? 

Todoroki opened up his messages, scrolling down to one name in particular. 

Todoroki: Where are you? 

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