~|:|Chapter 25|:|~

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The moment they stepped foot through the doors, they were hit with a blast of cool air. Todoroki looked around in awe, amazed at how many people there were, each with a life of their own.

"So, where do you wanna go first?" Midoriya piped up from beside him, a wide grin on his face. 

Todoroki shrugged, still looking around at the various stores and people. The truth was, he never really went out on his own. He was always training, and never really allowed outside.

"Do you like books?"

Smiling at the smaller boys' enthusiasm, Todoroki nodded. 

"Great! Follow me!" Midoriya announced before running off, dragging Todoroki behind him. 

((Btw, I'm using stores from the mall I go to, as I'm not really sure of what stores they'd have in Japan))

Within a few minutes of dodging and weaving between the large groups of people, the two boys' had arrived in front of a large store. The large sign at the top read "Indigo". Inside were shelves upon shelves of books, in any genre you could possibly want.

"What type of books do you like?" Midoriya asked, his voice jerking Todoroki out of his thoughts. Todoroki pondered the question for a few seconds before responding.

"Hmm... well, I like fantasy." Todoroki always sought comfort in the fictional world, where mythical creatures ruled the world, fighting in a constant war against the humans. Books were always there for him when he had no one else, and he much preferred fiction to reality.

A wide grin broke across the green haired boys face as he crossed over to a new section. "Have you ever read Harry Potter?"

Midoriya passed him a book titled "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers' Stone". Todoroki stared down at it, studying the cover. He'd heard of it before but never had the opportunity to read it.

"No, but I've heard of it."

Midoriya gasped in mock shock, pulling an offended look. Todoroki laughed, turning the book over to read the back.

"Well, it's my favorite series. The writing is just amazing, the words used just express the characters' emotions and really bring them to life! I'm sorry, I'm rambling again..."

Todoroki reached out to ruffle his messy green hair, a smile evident on his face. "Then I'll make sure to read it." He reached down to the shelf and grabbed the box set before turning back to the other boy.

"Do you know of any other books?"

Midoriya put his hand to his chin as he thought, a quiet mumble escaping his mouth. A lot of people found his mumbling annoying, but Todoroki always loved it. He didn't know why; he never really had a good explanation for it.

"Have you read "The Maze Runner?" Midoriya passed him another book. Todoroki shook his head, turning his eyes to study the cover once again. 

The picture on the front showed a small figure standing in a large maze, which didn't really explain much on its own, but it looked intriguing. He turned the book over, his eyes scanning the words on the back.

It certainly sounded interesting. He shrugged and grabbed the box set for it as well, his arms now full.

"Do you want any books?" He asked, turning to look at Midoriya again. The smaller boy looked around at the shelves before letting out a sigh. 

"I've been saving up for something at another store, so I don't wanna waste my money here."

Todoroki smiled, shifting so that the boxes sat more comfortably in his arms.

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