~|:|Chapter 7|:|~

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Todoroki looked over at Midoriya, taking in his sleeping features. He looked so peaceful... With a sudden burst of inspiration, Todoroki slid out of the bed, careful not to disturb the other boy. He crept over to his bag and grabbed a sketchbook and some pencils before walking back to the bed.

Todoroki grabbed the chair from the desk and pulled it to the bedside, getting into a comfortable position. As he sketched, he would cast the occasional glance in Midoriya's direction, mapping out each feature.

 The soft scratching of the pencil on the paper filled the silence, the only noise throughout the house. The sunlight shined through the blinds, filling the room with a warm glow. 

Todoroki continued to sketch, humming quietly to himself. He couldn't hide the small smile on his face as he gazed down at Midoriya, finding him adorable. 

 By now, he'd long since accepted that he was gay. Now, he embraced it. He didn't care what his father thought, not anymore.

Todoroki let out a low sigh and glanced down at the drawing, trying to figure out what else he needed to add. For some reason, he found he couldn't capture Midoriya's true beauty. It looked off to him.

He let out an exasperated huff and ripped the page out of the book, tucking it into one of Midoriya's books. Maybe he'd enjoy it...

 Todoroki quietly put his stuff back in his bag before laying back down in the bed. He snuggled close to Midoriya, his face flushing a shade of red. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax as Midoriya moved closer, resting his head in the crook of his neck. Todoroki wrapped his arm around the smaller boy, smiling to himself. 

(Soooo now suddenly Todoroki's bein a moody bitch cos my mood changed in seconds lol, idk im sorry)

About 10 minutes had gone by before Midoriya stirred, causing Todoroki to let go of him. "Good morning," Midoriya yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. 

"Good morning." 

 Midoriya sighed, realizing that this was their last day together before school started up again. Then he'd be alone again... He pushed the thought away and instead decided to focus on the time they had left.

 "So, what time do you have to be home?" Midoriya turned around to look at Todoroki, who had also sat up. 

"It doesn't really matter." Todoroki shrugged and got to his feet, stretching for a moment before walking over to his bag. He grabbed his clothes and mumbled that he was going to go change.

 Midoriya heard the door click and got up to get changed, feeling as though he'd upset Todoroki. He seemed quiet and distant... Oh god- was it that they were cuddling? 

The door opened as Midoriya tossed on his sweatshirt, causing him to have a minor heart attack.

(O ma fuckin gawd he fuckin ded)

 Todoroki's cheeks turned a light pink, though he turned away and busied himself with putting his clothes away.

 "Erm, are you okay? Did I do something?" Midoriya's voice cut through the silence that lay heavily between them. Todoroki turned to face him, his heterochromatic eyes dark.

"No. I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound hostile," He quickly added when he saw Midoriya flinch. He walked over and sat down on the bed, looking up at Midoriya. He grabbed the other boys' hand gently, rubbing his thumb over the back of it.

 "It's just that this weekend flew by so fast, and I guess I was just glad to get away from my father for a while." 

 Midoriya gazed down at him, the sunlight illuminating half of his face. His eyes were filled with sadness, wrenching Midoriya's heart. He hated to see Todoroki like this. He gently squeezed his hand, reassuring him without words.

 "I, uh, noticed your bruised yesterday... Are they from him?" Midoriya didn't want to pressure him too much, but he felt the need to know.

 "They're nothing." His voice was barely more than a whisper. He pulled his hands away and rested them on his lap, keeping his eyes down. He refused to meet Midoriya's gaze, no matter how much he wanted to look.

 Midoriya felt slightly hurt, realizing he shouldn't have asked. Of course Todoroki wouldn't tell him...

 Todoroki grabbed his bag and left the room, not saying another word. Midoriya chased after him, trying to reach for his hand. He managed to grab his arm, trying to stop him.

 "I-I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't have mentioned it! I'm sorry, Todoroki!" Todoroki wrenched his arm away, fighting against the tears in his eyes.

 "Don't be." Midoriya watched as Todoroki slammed the door behind him, rushing off. Midoriya's heart sank as he tried to process everything that had just happened.

 He walked back down the hall to his room, flopping down onto the bed. He felt... empty. He always managed to hurt the people he loved...

 Midoriya made his way to the bathroom, finding he was unable to cry. He just needed to feel something. He reached down and grabbed the razor, pulling up his sleeve.

 The cold metal slid across his skin, the familiar crimson blood trailing down his arm. The stinging of the razor jolted him back to reality, the pain reminding him that he was awake.

 He'd started to wish it was all a dream... He often wished he wouldn't feel the pain and know it was fake. That none of this was real.

 Several minutes went by before Midoriya emerged from the bathroom, not bothering to wrap up his wrists. He walked into his room, closing the door and crawling under the blankets. He just needed some time to think...

(A/N: Also, you guys may have noticed that I stopped doing specific POV's, and instead just take a neutral standpoint. Idk, it's how I used to write, so I guess I accidentally reverted back to that. If you guys find it annoying, then just tell me and I'll fix it! Anyways, sorry for the constant A/N's, I know its annoying ;-;)

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