~|:|Chapter 2|:|~

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>>Time Skip: Next day, start of class<<

(Todoroki's POV)

Todoroki looked up as Midoriya entered the classroom, his usual grin in place. He watched for a few moments as Midoriya walked over to his desk and sat down, the sunlight casting a heavenly glow on his face.

(Goddammit Todoroki, your gay is showing!)

All the students looked up to the front as Aizawa stood up and introduced to them their newest project. It seemed simple enough, all they had to do was write about a pro-hero. They had to research their special moves, quirks, and their backstories. 

"You will be working in groups of two. And I'll be deciding them." Todoroki sighed, knowing something like this would happen. He hated group projects. He always found that relying on someone else was just stupid, and more trouble than it was worth.

"Kaminari and Sero, Mina and Ojiro, Yaoyorozu and Jirou..." The teacher continued to list off the names, though Todoroki wasn't really paying much attention anymore. Finally, he heard his name.

"Todoroki and Midoriya." Todoroki looked over at Midoriya, who had turned to smile at him. He could feel his cheeks growing hot and quickly looked down at his desk. "Okay, you can move around to discuss things with your partners. Or don't. I don't really care, but if you don't do the project then there'll be consequences. It's your choice."

The classroom erupted into chatter as the students moved around to discuss the project with their partners. Todoroki looked up as Midoriya approached his desk, smiling.

"So, erm, I guess we're partners," Todoroki mentioned awkwardly, not really knowing how to handle the situation. Whenever Midoriya was involved, he got butterflies and felt really awkward, though he never really knew why. He had a few suspicions but didn't want to accept them.

"Yup! So, do you wanna come over to my house this weekend to work on it?" Midoriya pulled over a chair and sat down in front of Todoroki's desk, forcing him to look up. Midoriya's eyes were bright green, filled with so many different emotions that Todoroki couldn't distinguish. 

"Oh, um, sure." He looked down at his hands, finding that he was blushing again. He hoped Midoriya hadn't noticed.

"Great! I'll send you my address! Oh- and aren't you coming to the cafe with us?"

"Yeah, I am going to the cafe."

"So if you wanted, you could just bring your stuff with us and then afterward we can just go to my house!" Midoriya seemed to be excited about Todoroki coming over, which filled him with joy along with confusion.

He was just going over to work on a project, so why was he treating this like something bigger?

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Todoroki responded, looking Midoriya in the eyes again. For a second, he could've sworn he'd seen something dark within his gaze, but within seconds it was gone.

"Perfect!" At that moment, the bell rang, signifying the end of the day. "See ya tomorrow!" Midoriya smiled and ran off with the rest of the students, leaving Todoroki to himself. He lingered in the classroom for a few moments, enjoying the peaceful solitude it provided.

Sighing to himself, he grabbed his bag and joined the crowd, pushing his way outside.

>>Time skip: About 30 minutes later? Idk<<

(Midoriya's POV)

Midoriya looked down at the plate of food on the table, a handwritten note laying next to it. He picked the small sheet of paper up, his eyes scanning the words.

I just needed to help my mom move some boxes, so I won't be home till late. Don't forget to eat. Heat this up when you're hungry. 

Love; Mom

Midoriya sighed and set the note down again, walking down the hall to his room. He tossed his bag onto the bed and sat down next to it. He fished his phone out of his pocket and began to read through the texts.

He noticed that he'd gotten a message from Todoroki, however it was sent directly to him instead of the group chat. Midoriya shrugged it off and read the text.

Todoroki: Hey, do you want me to bring anything in particular for this weekend?

Midoriya thought for a moment before responding,

Midoriya: It doesn't really matter to me, just bring whatever you feel like bringing. 

After he sent it, he read back through and groaned inwardly. That didn't sound like him at all- he just hoped that Todoroki wouldn't notice. He didn't need other people dwelling in his business.

(Todoroki's POV)

Midoriya: It doesn't really matter to me, just bring whatever you feel like bringing.

Todoroki stared down at the message for a few moments, feeling like something was off. He recalled that moment in class when something passed through Midoriya's eyes, which caused a bit of concern.

Why was he so concerned? It was probably nothing...

Todoroki: Are you okay? You seem different.

Midoriya: I'm fine, just a long day!

Todoroki tried to shrug it off as nothing, though the suspicion that something was off kept coming back to haunt him.

Todoroki: Okay, sorry for assuming things.

Midoriya: No worries! You don't need to apologize for that

The two of them talked for a little while longer before Midoriya said he had to go, leaving Todoroki alone to his own thoughts again. Something was different with Midoriya, but why did he care? He hardly even knew the kid- yet he still felt attached to him.

It all started happening after the sports fest when Midoriya had opened his eyes and made Todoroki use his left side. He had known he'd lose, yet he still tried to get Todoroki to see... 

Todoroki continued to think about Midoriya for the rest of the night, trying to sort out his feelings. In the end, he decided on the one answer that kept coming back to him.

He had a crush on Midoriya.

(A/N: Dang, there's a lot of shrugging in this chapter lol. This one's definitely shorted, but I need to get some sleep soon or I'll probably die! I'll try to work on this tomorrow, but if I don't update it then I'm sorry ;w; Just some personal issues)

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