~|:|Chapter 11|:|~

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 Midoriya waited around for the rest of the class to leave before turning to Uraraka. "You wanted to ask me something?"

Uraraka looked down at the ground, her face bright red. She held her hands together in front of her, like a small child. "U-umm, I was wondering... a-are you busy on Valentine's day?" Her face flushed bright red with embarrassment.

Midoriya's face grew hot as he processed what she'd said, realizing what she meant.

"Y-yeah! O-of course, if you don't want to that's fine! I don't want things to be weird between us..." A shy smile spread across her face as she looked up to meet his gaze.

Midoriya hesitated before responding, anxiously scratching the back of his neck. "I-I'm sorry, but there's s-someone else I'm interested in..." Uraraka's face fell, her eyes filling with tears.

She quickly smiled again, wiping away her tears. "O-oh! I'm sorry! Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" She skipped off, humming to herself. 

Did Uraraka really like him? He never expected that...

 Midoriya turned and grabbed his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. He made his way down the now empty halls to where Todoroki was waiting at the front doors.

 "C'mon, we'll miss the train," Midoriya said, not sparing Todoroki a second glance. 

"Are you okay?" Todoroki cut through Midoriya's thoughts, causing him to stop and look at him. He stared into the older boys heterochromatic eyes, filled with concern.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine! Just tired," Midoriya grinned and started to walk again, heading for the train station. Todoroki sighed and followed, though he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Then again- it wasn't his place to interrogate Midoriya.

The two boys quickly hopped on the train as it was about to leave the station, sitting in the two seats in the back. A few other students from nearby schools were also on the bus, along with a few more kids from UA.

The whole way home, Midoriya stared out the window, watching as the trees whipped past them. Todoroki shifted awkwardly beside him, resisting the urge to talk to him.

Eventually, he broke the silence. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem really quiet."

Midoriya snapped back to reality, turning to face Todoroki. "As I said, I'm fine! Just tired. It was a long day." Todoroki nodded before giving up, knowing he wouldn't get a proper answer. 

The rest of the ride went by quickly, and before they knew it, they had made it to Midoriya's place. The two boys took off their shoes before making their way to Midoriya's room, the familiar All Might themed posters and figures greeting them.

Midoriya let out a huff and jumped onto the bed, spreading his arms out. Todoroki grabbed another pair of clothes and disappeared to go change, deciding not to pressure Midoriya.

When he came back, Midoriya was still laying down on the bed. 

"Midoriya?" Todoroki's voice jolted Midoriya out of his thoughts, causing him to jump up. 

"You should probably get changed, and if you're tired, you should probably rest." Midoriya reluctantly nodded, grabbing his clothes. Todoroki left the room so that Midoriya could get changed. Midoriya had said that he'd be fine changing in the bathroom, but Todoroki didn't mind.

The door swung open to reveal Midoriya in a large sweater and basketball shorts. The two boys walked over to the bed, grabbing the laptop on the way. They leaned against the wall, the blanket draped over their shoulders like a giant cape.

After a few moments of debating, Midoriya had decided on another comedy. By the end of it, Midoriya appeared to be in much better spirits. Todoroki felt relief wash over him, feeling as though he'd helped fix something.

"We should probably get something to eat!" Midoriya exclaimed, jumping to his feet upon the realization that they hadn't eaten anything. 

(Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, they also didn't eat dinner over the weekend apparently, but ignore that lol, they're just magical beings that don't need food)

"We don't have much, and I'm not a great cook," Midoriya confessed, opening the pantry and looking for something to make. Todoroki shrugged and peered over his shoulder, his eyes resting on some spaghetti noodles.

"Do you like spaghetti?" Todoroki asked, reaching past the younger boy to retrieve the noodles. "I can make some if you want."

"Yeah! But wait, you're the guest! I should be the one cooking!" Todoroki smirked and opened one of the cupboards, looking for the pots.

"It's no big deal, plus- you said you can't cook." Todoroki chuckled, hearing Midoriya's sputtered retorts. Eventually, Midoriya gave in, allowing Todoroki to cook.

When the spaghetti was done, Todoroki grabbed two plates and dished some noodles, topping it with some sauce. He brought the plates over to Midoriya, who was sitting at the table.

"Thanks!" Midoriya managed before stuffing a mouthful of noodles into his mouth. Todoroki nodded and began to eat as well, finishing a few moments after Midoriya.

"That was delicious!" Midoriya exclaimed after the dishes were washed and put away. He led the way to his room and sat down on the bed again, full of new energy.

"Glad you think so," Todoroki responded as he sat down next to Midoriya. "So, uh, what did Uraraka have to say?" Todoroki eventually asked, feeling the need to get the question off his chest.

"Oh! That! Uh, s-she just had to ask me a question! That's all!" Midoriya scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. He felt like it'd be wrong to tell someone else about the conversation, so he vowed to keep it secret.

Todoroki frowned but didn't question him again. They climbed into bed, both exhausted from school. 

"Goodnight, Midoriya." 


(A/N: So I'm gonna try and make it a bit more depressing, which is why some of the characters might suddenly change moods or something, idek anymore lol. I find that I don't really express that factor of the story enough, so I feel like I should! Tbh, I'm surprised anyone's even reading this lol, I didn't think anyone would like it ;w;)

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