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callmepapi: lmao calm down

callmepapi: i was just with alex @ his place

stephen: ffs will you cant just disappear like that

callmepapi: why not?? its not like you need to know where i am at all times

stephen: dude i was worried,you literally never miss school

stephen: wtf were you even doing with alex

callmepapi: we fucked

stephen: ofc you did

stephen: what else would you do

callmepapi: i can fuck other people ste, its not like we're dating

callmepapi: especially since you wont have sex w/ me 

        stephen has logged out 


i couldn't resist,i had to include alex in one way or another

also please don't have high expectations i literally don't know what im doing and im a mess lol

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now