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joshy: cmon george ur not actually mad at me r u

joshy: george... please

joshy: u r being overdramatic

joshy: it was just a joke please

joshy: talk to me bb😢

memeulous: how could you do this to me josh...

joshy: its Not That Deep

memeulous: why would you kill my llama

memeulous: you knew how much he meant to me

memeulous: there was literally NO reason to do that

joshy: i won't do it again, promise

memeulous: fine. but from now on, i won't tolerate any of your shit. no stealing, no attacking and NO STEALING.

joshy: ok ok i get it


memeulous: oops :)

joshy: i dont wear armour george pls–

joshy: aaand i died

joshy: thank you george, appreciate it xx

memeulous: no problem babe, anytime xx

joshy: now im mad @ u

memeulous: oh?

joshy: apologize or i will sue

memeulous: sorry Master :)

joshy: GEORGE

memeulous: yes?

joshy: im hard now ffs i hate how much you affect me

joshy: im gonna log out and jerk off

memeulous: OR

memeulous: you could just call me and i could help you

joshy: u cheeky little shit

joshy: if u wanted phone sex you could have just said so, no need to murder me

memeulous: wheres the fun in that tho

joshy: idk i like not getting murdered

memeulous: will u call me or what

joshy: getting desperate are we

memeulous: josh.. can u not make something so hard for once

joshy: but i like it so hard:))

joshy: besides, wheres the fun in that

memeulous: screw it, im coming over

joshy: knew you couldn't resist

joshy: my needy babyboy 😳💕

memeulous: dont call me that omg

joshy: why? does it get you flustered?

memeulous: no

memeulous: maybe

memeulous: fuck off

memeulous: youre actually the worse

joshy: love you too babyboy


if you haven't watched all the minecraft videos george has uploaded on his second channel then youre missing out.. he and josh are CUTE cute

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now