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memeulous: has anyone done the physics homework

marriott: i have

bigwill: nerds

memeulous: can you send it to me james

marriott: hmm..how did you call me?

memeulous: oof..daddy please send me the homework

stephen: what the fuck

marriott: good boy

bigwill: is it even ironic at this point

stephen: nope, james confessed to me once he has a daddy kink

marriott: oi don't expose me like that

bigwill: wOW

beansss: i have a beans kink

memeulous kicked "beansss" out of the groupchat

stephen added "beansss"

stephen: in this gc we don't kinkshame anyone 😤👊

memeulous: yes Sir

bathH2Ostan: gEoRgE


until i actually figure out the plot,i am fucking around with the gc and hoping y'all don't get bored with my shit

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now