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stephen: everytime will wears glasses, my ass is tingling

willne: i should wear glasses more often then

bathH2Ostan: same, but with james 😳

marriott: same but with fraser

bathH2Ostan: wait a minute

inabber: oop

marriott: jk my ass is tingling for only one person

memeulous: who asked

willne: someone is salty

inabber: josh is doing homework and not replying to his messages

memeulous: shut up

marriott: king of whiny bottoms 😌

memeulous: am not

joshy: what do we have here

memeulous: oh so NOW you're replying

joshy: just happened to be taking a break

memeulous: hmm

joshy: james was right, youre the king of whiny bottoms

memeulous: i have topped you, shut up

joshy: yeah, twice

inabber: anyway, the patriarchal toxicity of the concept of top/bottom is really stereotypical and kind of homophobic and i dont like it

joshy: sounds like something a bottom would say

joshy: jk, i agree. let's smash the patriarchy and have heteronormativity quaking in his boots

joshy: heteronormativity is a guy, dont argue with me on this

bathH2Ostan: not even 2 days since josh joined the gc and we are already talking about smashing the patriarchy.. what's next? destroying capitalism?

joshy: why not?

joshy: eat the rich!!

bathH2Ostan: 👑 you dropped this,king

willne: which is bigger, the word heteronormativity or alex's cock

marriott: and then, there's will

joshy: does alex have a small penis or sth?

memeulous: the opposite, its huge

memeulous: biggest cock in this chat

joshy: tf, how do u know

bathH2Ostan: sent a dickpic once

joshy: GEORGE

memeulous: he sent it to everyone not just me!!

joshy: yeah right, why would he do that

memeulous: on accident?

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now