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stephen: hi 

stephen: how are you feeling

bigwill: my head kinda hurts but thats it

bigwill: wbu

stephen: same

bigwill: uhh

stephen: yeah um

stephen: i forgot what a good kisser you are

bigwill: i try

bigwill: so

stephen: so?

bigwill: wanna make out again

stephen: idk if thats a good idea will

stephen: remember last time?

bigwill: i mean,, yeah. it wasnt that long ago

stephen: oh ffs, you know what i mean

stephen: is it really worth it going through all of this again?

bigwill: definitely

stephen: will-

bigwill: just come over and lets talk about it

stephen: i cant, im helping george clean up 

bigwill: later then

stephen: fine

stephen: but we will just talk

bigwill: whatever you want


so uhh i have been informed that jake baz and inabber might actually be related so  jake from the previous chapter is NOT jake baz but a different jake

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now