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bathH2Ostan: is something wrong?

marriott: why are you asking that

bathH2Ostan: earlier at the hospital you seemed a bit off

marriott: why didn't you tell me that you and niall used to be a thing?

bathH2Ostan: hardly a thing, just some sexting and a couple handjobs

marriott: i should know about this stuff alex

marriott: especially since you text him more than me most of the time

bathH2Ostan: i didnt think it was important

marriott: bullshit, you just knew i wouldnt be ok with you constantly texting him and ignoring me

bathH2Ostan: when have i ever ignored you cause of him

marriott: ??literally?? today?? at the hospital??

bathH2Ostan: i wasn't ignoring you ffs


bathH2Ostan: james!!


bathH2Ostan: ok i get it come back


bathH2Ostan: im sorry!!

marriott: aren't you always

bathH2Ostan: whats that supposed to mean

marriott: you always fuck up and then i have to thoroughly explain to you what you obviously did wrong, and then you apologize and i forgive you and then here we go again

bathH2Ostan: ..

bathH2Ostan: i really am sorry james, im trying

bathH2Ostan: this whole thing is new to me

marriott: that's hardly a decent excuse but go off sis

bathH2Ostan: im way too tired for this

marriott: go to bed, i don't want to keep you up for this

bathH2Ostan: i don't want to go to sleep after i fought with you tho

marriott: we will talk tomorrow in person

marriott: go get some rest its been a wild day

bathH2Ostan: ok,you too

bathH2Ostan: love you x

marriott: love you too cunt


if i wrote another book,,that was james/alex,,,and it wasn't a texting fic,, would you give it a chance?

this is all hypothetical of course 👀

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now