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beansss: wait what happened

beansss: are the rumors true??

memeulous: yeah we are in the hospital right now

beansss: how is everyone?

memeulous: alex had a panic attack, james broke keem's nose and im pretty sure greg and will both have bruised ribs.

memeulous: oh! greg punched stephen first after stephen called him a nonce for dating gina, and thats why will beat the shit out of him

beansss: damn

beansss: wbu

memeulous: i don't get involved in fights no matter how many times someone calls me a disgusting faggot

beansss: DAMN

memeulous: where were you??

beansss: i had band practice!!

beansss: tell the others im bringing food, my mom cooked spaghetti and meatballs for all of us

marriott: we stan your mum

beansss: james!! how do you feel man

marriott: great!! can't wait to punch keem again!!

memeulous: tf no you won't

memeulous: punching him wont stop him from being a cunt

marriott: did you hear what he called alex-

memeulous: yeah, i was there. that still doesn't mean you should punch him AGAIN

marriott: mm

memeulous: ,,im begging you

marriott: mmm

memeulous: alex hasnt looked up from his phone for at least 10 minutes, and yet he doesn't read the gc messages, tf is he doing

marriott: he is talking to a friend of his, niall

memeulous: oh!! the dickpic guy

marriott: ??

memeulous: y'know, "the dick pic guy", the cursed dickpic alex accidentaly send was meant for him

marriott: ..

marriott: WHAT

memeulous: oh shit

beansss: GEORGE

memeulous: oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

memeulous: im so sorry i genuinely thought you knew

marriott: i clearly didn't-

memeulous: did you never wonder who the dick pic was for??

marriott: i did but then so much happened and i totally forgot about it

beansss: are you mad?

marriott: kinda but we have more urgent stuff to worry about

memeulous: exactly!!

marriott: like when im going to punch keem again

memeulous: nO

beansss: please james, ffs this is helping no one

beansss: im so tired of your toxic masculinity

marriott: do you even know what toxic masculinity is

beansss: you're not going to mansplain toxic masculinity to me

marriott: ffs im so done with u


there is no reason for pyrocynical, onision and keemstar to be in this lmao

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