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bathH2Ostan: hi guys!!

bathH2Ostan: guys??

bathH2Ostan: cmon, dont ignore me im bored !!

bathH2Ostan: fine ig i will go and die or whatever

bathH2Ostan: ..

bathH2Ostan: guys!!!



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bathH2Ostan: oh wow ok i see how it is

memeulous: alex can't last 2 seconds without someone paying attention to him

marriott: true

fraze: yeap

bathH2Ostan: cmon jamesie not u too :(

marriott: u know i lov u

bathH2Ostan: i lov u 2 bb

memeulous: ^ ew

fraze: will and stephen would never

marriott: speaking of them, where are they

memeulous: pretty sure stephen is getting deflowered as we speak

bathH2Ostan: i did NOT need to know this

marriott: i regret asking

fraze: that's my boy

bathH2Ostan: time for you to get deflowered too georgie

memeulous: shush

memeulous: joshy and i are taking things slow

bathH2Ostan: you can take it slow.. while he ***** u

memeulous: ALEX-

bathH2Ostan: just sayin

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now