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stephen: hi there

bigwilly: hey sweetheart

bigwilly: im going to the cinema with my sister, wanna join?

stephen: yeah sure

stephen: can i tell you something

bigwilly: of course

stephen: remember becky, joshy's best friend?

bigwilly: kinda, yes

stephen: she asked fraser for your number

bigwilly: oh

stephen: so uh if she texts you, just so you know that's how she got your number

bigwilly: im not replying anyway lol

stephen: why? she is really nice

bigwilly: idk im not looking for anyone right now ig

stephen: yeah, makes sense

bigwilly: see you in 10 x

stephen: x


alex's new haircut made me emotional.

i miss the purple fringe days :(

if alex and/or fraser upload another video about james charles, i might actually unsub, everything i had to know about james charles i learned it without wanting to IM TIRED OF THIS SHIT.

it was already annoying enough, without the tati thing, now alex has released (3) videos about it and there is no way im watching the video he uploaded today

(im not going to even comment on the james charles situation, i never liked his transphobic ass anyway)

this book is just me hating on alex at this point but i can't help it

anyway, rant over i hope you aren't mad @ me, stay safe x

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now