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stephen: you fucking idiot

bigwill: what did i do now

stephen: fraser has been crying for the past 30 minutes

bigwill: ok and what does that have to do with me

stephen: apparently you called him an "annoying prick" and you yelled at him to "shut the fuck up"

bigwill: oh

bigwill: im sorry

stephen: don't apologize to me,apologize to him.but not now,he is sleeping

bigwill: i was just really pissed,i didn't mean it

stephen: why were you pissed?

bigwill: i was just really tired

stephen: you're full of shit

stephen: but if you don't want to tell me thats fine i guess

bigwill: ..should i come over and apologize in person

stephen: yeah we could surprise him with food when he wakes up,food always cheers him up

bigwill: beans?

stephen: nO


im in a james/alex/fraser mood, if only i could actually write in english r.i.p

(we need more a/f/j in this world)

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now