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beansss: i dont think it's working george

memeulous: yeah they are just sad now

memeulous: i wanted will to get angry and get his mans but he just seems depressed

beansss: its so awkward sksksk

memeulous: thank god james is carrying the conversation, we are all so out of it

beansss: yeah

beansss: maybe we should just talk to will ?

memeulous: nah, it hasn't worked before why would it work now

beansss: youre right

memeulous: fraser!!!!

beansss: ??

memeulous: i just saw will unfollowing laurence

beansss: ohh so he IS pissed

beansss: now we are getting somewhere

memeulous: i always knew our plan would work. never doubted us for a second

beansss: our minds >>>


did i just triple updated? yeah, i did. read all three chapters you cowards, i didnt work hard on them but i need reads to validate me

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now