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Alex Elmslie

Active now

hi alex

why are u messaging me on fb lol

because youve blocked me on everything else lol

i want to talk to you, please dont block me on here too

can you please tell me what i did



so i did something, you didnt just randomly decided to hate me like you said you did..

thank god

oh cmon dont leave me on read


i have no idea what i did, but whatever it is im sorry.. i genuinely didnt mean to make you upset


i know you didnt mean to but im still hurt ok?

i just wish you trusted me enough

alex what are you talking about

i ACCIDENTALLY looked at some of stephen's messages

tf how what does ste know

he knows i saw some of his messages (he didnt mind) he just doesnt know which ones

i saw the conversation you had about james


shit..alex, im sorry i had feelings about your boyfriend, i promise i dont like him like THAT anymore..

you  know im into joshy

this is not about you having feelings for james.. this is about you not talking to me about it

dont you think i should have known

why would that matter alex.. its not like anything would change (not that i would want it to)

if i knew you liked james i wouldnt make out with him in front of you, i wouldnt ask you what to buy him for valentines day, i wouldnt sit on his lap while you were next to us, i wouldnt be that clingy to him

i feel like shit because i can imagine how i made you feel like shit

alex..sweetheart.. i would never want that. i want you and james to be happy, i always wanted that and if you started restricting yourselves because of me i would genuinely feel worse. please believe when i say it was for the best you didnt know.

i just feel so guilty.. if only you had talked to me about it

stop it. i dont want you feeling guilty for something as dumb as this

its ok, it is what it is, and we cant anything to change what happened

..can you not tell the others why i was mad at you

especially james

yeah of course

is it wise to keep something like this from james tho? thats exactly why you were mad at me in the first place

i dont want him thinking he can get between me and my friends

ok then, that makes 0 sense to me but you do you boo

now go unblock me, facebook makes me nauseous


anyway, i missed you guys, whats up? did i miss anything?

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now