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stephen: last night was..

stephen: damn. wow. idk what to say

bigwill: im That Good huh

stephen: shut up

stephen: i love you

bigwill: i wish you could have stayed longer

bigwill: sorry for that

stephen: dont apologize bb, its not like you could have predicted your mum coming early

stephen: thank god she texted first

bigwill: yeah, that couldve been a disaster

bigwill: im just glad you had a good time anyway

bigwill: and i love you too. so, so much.

bigwill: i have genuinely never felt happier

stephen: i will cry, stop omg

bigwill: how about i: don't

bigwill: youre so amazing ste, never doubt that

bigwill: don't know if ive ever told you this but you're one of the best people i've ever met

stephen: will omg

stephen: can you call me?

bigwill: yes, but i have to speak quietly, can't let mum hear me

stephen is calling you...

accept deny


sorry for disappearing i was Not Okay (i promise)

so i had some book ideas but i ended up not liking any of them lmao i cant commit to anything

remember in chapter 73 when stephen was like "don't apologize its not your fault" and now he repeats that but this time they are actually together and happy and wow sorry i will shut up i just really love them

anyway, ty ly bb

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now