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stephen: how did it go george

memeulous: it was incredible

memeulous: at first i was like really awkward and i was literally stuttering omg but then he made me feel so comfortable and omg ?? im/?? in love ??

stephen: damn.

beansss: wow

marriott: ,,nice

memeulous: he is amazing wow i can't believe he would want to go out with me wtf

beansss: shut up, he should be the one saying this

stephen: youre the amazing one george, never forget that !!

memeulous: soft hours

marriott: its always soft hours lately

bathH2Ostan: uwu

beansss: we're the definition of "soft boys uwu"

bigwilly: im not soft, im an alpha male

bathH2Ostan: sure, will.

marriott: drag him al

bigwilly: im not soft !!

bathH2Ostan: hmm

bathH2Ostan: have you heard yourself talking about (a certain someone, im not gonna mention cause you will kill me)

bigwilly: im not soft please,,, i ain't even talking about (someone) that much

beansss: who is the someone

marriott: isnt it obvious??

beansss: not when it comes to will

bigwill: leave me alone, there is no someone 😔 alex is just talking shit

bathH2Ostan: aha

stephen: im literally right here


drink water babes 🐰🍶

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now