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marriott: is anyone awake

bathH2Ostan: heyy

memeulous: hi

marriott: go to sleep you idiots its 4am

bathH2Ostan: but you're literally-

memeulous: hypocrite

marriott: im out w/ fraser and angelika, not scrolling through twitter

memeulous: ugh fine mom gn

marriott: its daddy for you

bathH2Ostan: you're the Mom Friend

marriott: you can call me master

marriott: stephen i see you reading these messages and you can call me sir

stephen: not gonna happen chief

bathH2Ostan: so you will call him chief from now on?

stephen: you call him master sooo 💅

memeulous: i love you guys but sometimes you are too much

stephen: like alex's dick ayy

bathH2Ostan: fuck off nonce

marriott: go 👏 to 👏sleep 👏

memeulous: ok daddy

bathH2Ostan: what the-


i want to die lol

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now