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memeulous: guysguys guys

memeulous: this is the best  birthday party of my life

marriott: and yet youre still sober

memeulous: not for long!!

memeulous: and so are you mate

marriott: someone has to take care of alex

bathH2Ostan: oi m finw jusr tipsuy

memeulous: just dont pull a will on us

memeulous: my mum was pissed last time when will threw up at her flowers

beansss: get off your phones idiots we are all in the same place

marriott: i can't hear shit the music is way too loud

memeulous: my neighbour has complained at least 3 times but ik he ain't gonna do SHIT

beansss: how did it go with josh?

memeulous: he!! kissed!! my !! cheek

beansss: OMGG

marriott: its so weird seeing you like this lmao you were always the "chill" one

memeulous: he is so fucking adorable

beansss: and really, really, really, hot

bathH2Ostan: jsmew is hpttwr

marriott: babe 💕💖💓💞💗💝❤

beansss: aww

memeulous: wait a minute where is ste

marriott: where is will is the real question

beansss: they are definitely drunkenly  making out somewhere

memeulous: nah no way

memeulous: oh wait i see them

memeulous: they are just dancing !! see!!

beansss: this is not dancing this is grinding

beansss: they are dry humping in the middle of your living room wow

marriott: they look drunk af should we do something?

beansss: dont be a wanker, let them be

memeulous: i should go and find josh

beansss: good idea !!

marriott: im the only one who is completely sober, aren't i?

beansss: i have no one to make out with :(

beansss: hmm that cute blond guy is a good option

beansss: brb

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now