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bigwill: uhh hi

stephen: hello there

bigwill: um

stephen: are you ok?

bigwill: no

stephen: what happened

stephen: are you hurt

stephen: is it your mom again, i will fucking kill her

bigwill: no calm down im still in one piece, she is not even home rn

bigwill: i just miss you a lot

stephen: we have already been through this will. you, yourself, admitted that we cant continue doing this

bigwill: no let me explain

stephen: go on

bigwill: i really fucked this up. i never meant to hurt you like this. i never meant to hurt us like this

stephen: get to the fucking point will, youve already said that

bigwill: im sorry

bigwill: im genuinely so fucking sorry

bigwill: i will even apologise in person, and you know i rarely do that

bigwill: you were my best friend for so many years and suddenly we were hooking up and i didnt know how to handle it. i kept thinking that i would hurt you if we ever got closer but i was a fucking idiot cause i hurt you anyway and oh my god stephen i miss you

stephen: oh will...

bigwill: i really, really regret treating you like /that/ i dont understand how i could do this to you, from all people

bigwill: you mean so much to me stephen. you're my best friend, the most important person in my life, my fucking soulmate

bigwill: im so sorry

stephen: i dont think i can go through all of this again

stephen: one minute youre making out with me, next one youre shagging some random person

bigwill: i dont though

stephen: what do you mean you dont??

bigwill: i tried having sex with alex, but i couldn't.. y'know. i also tried with rose and it just.. never happened. once, i even told her, while i was drunk, that i couldnt shag her because she wasn't you (alex can confirm all of this)

stephen: wait what

stephen: you couldn't get it up?

bigwill: dont put it like THAT

bigwill: but yeah, i feel kinda pathetic ngl 

stephen: ffs will you could have just told me all of this before instead of pretending you're fucking people left and right

bigwill: yeah, ik.i was trying to keep a distance between us cause it was getting too serious and i was scared and im so sorry

stephen: yeah you have some commitment issues :// we been knew sis

bigwill: can you forgive me?

stephen: what exactly do you want will?

bigwill: you

stephen: you gotta be more specific than that

bigwill: im tired of the whole "friends w/ benefits" thing, i want us to be actual boyfriends. i know i have a lot of issues to work on and i will, but i miss you and i hope you miss me too and it shouldn't be this complicated if we both like each other and maybe i need to stop rambling

stephen: this is not it chief, i want you to properly pop the question

bigwill: anything for you

bigwill: stephen lawson, will you be my boyfriend?

stephen: hmm i need to think about it...

bigwill: its ok, i understand

stephen: SIKE let's be boyfriends

stephen: we are about to be the cutest couple of the school fuck james and alex

bigwill: stephen oh my god

bigwill: did you just say yes

stephen: no, i said "let's be boyfriends" can't you read?

bigwill: i

bigwill: i missed you sm

stephen: same

stephen: its just,, ik i should be mad at you but i genuinely cant, youre my favorite person in the whole world and there is no way i could ever say no to you and you have no idea how much you mean to me and i just,,, i

bigwill: are you trying to make me cry? i think its working.....

stephen: this is so cheesy omg

bigwill: i like it though

stephen: me too

stephen: can i come over?

bigwill: of course

stephen: when is your mom coming back?

bigwill: tomorrow noon

stephen: yayy we're having a sleepover

bigwill: we're not 9 year old girls stephen

stephen: i wish you were a 9 year old girl

bigwill: stop omg—

stephen: im bringing wine, make sure we have snacks

bigwill: only snack i need is you

stephen: some of us actually like food will, get it together this is serious

bigwill: 😔😔

stephen: love you xx

bigwill: love you too xxxx

stephen: hol' up

bigwill: i said what i said

stephen: omg


sorry to all of you who wanted will to face actual consequences,,, i did tell you tho im gonna turn this into a cheesy wattpad fanfic

i know that will and ste's relationship isnt one of the healthiest and i definitely wouldn't encourage it irl. this is FICTION and it should be treated as such, dont forget that

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now