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callmepapi: c'mon ste dont be like this you know i didn't mean it like that

callmepapi: please answer

stephen: you're an actual idiot

callmepapi: yeah ik

callmepapi:  can we just pretend nothing happened? i don't want to fight with you

stephen: just dont bring up my virginity in arguments its really annoying and makes feel like shit

callmepapi:  i won't bring it up again

callmepapi: promise.

stephen: ok then

callmepapi: friends?

stephen: more like fuck-buddies without the fuck

callmepapi: so that makes us just buddies then??

stephen: shut up you know what i mean

stephen: now come over and let me give you a hand job.



let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now