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big thank you to godhateseverything for taking the time to help me with this even though shes really busy. if you havent already read her books, you should definitely take a look, shes great 🥰❣️


To say Will was nervous would be a bit of an understatement.

His palms were sweaty and he could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

He was terrified.

He couldn't believe how far they had come. They went from friends to fuck-buddies to not speaking. After that, they went back to being friends and then, finally, they were boyfriends.

They had an official relationship.

It felt surreal, standing there in his suit and waiting for Stephen to come out of his house. Like an out-of-body experience, except he was aware of every fiber in his body. He could, quite literally, feel every drop of sweat on his forehead.

He couldn't stop adjusting his tie and checking himself out in his front camera. He didn't know where to put his hands and how to stand.

When he heard a familiar voice, he looked up from his phone and there he was: his amazing, beautiful boyfriend.

''Hi, Will!''

God, Will thought, he is gorgeous.

Since Will didn't reply, Stephen continued. ''Shall we?'' he asked, raising his eyebrows playfully.

''Y-yes,'' Will almost stuttered. ''You look so good.''

Stephen visibly blushed. ''You think so?''

''I know so,'' Will immediately replied and then awkwardly changed the subject. ''Now let's go, the others are already there and they are going to be mad at us for being late.. again.''

Stephen followed along, his eyes never leaving Will and his fancy form-fitting suit.

''Hey, Will?'' he asked him when they got inside the car.


''You don't look so bad yourself,'' he said without fully looking into his eyes.

Will, noticing Stephen's blush, decided to tease him a bit. ''Not so bad, huh? That's it?''

''Oh, fuck off, you know you look great,'' Stephen replied, pretending to be annoyed. ''Stop fishing for compliments.''

Will rolled his eyes and started the car. ''I just like to hear you say it, love. It means more coming from you, even though I tell myself I look great every day.''

''I would certainly hope so. You can't exactly go to prom with yourself.''

''Well, Fraser--''

''Oh my God, don't finish that sentence.'' Stephen interrupted him. ''Don't be mean to our only single friend.''

Will contemplated that for a moment. ''Should we find him someone?''

''Nah, he doesn't like anyone. He will probably find someone in uni. Or maybe he won't. As long as he's happy, we're happy.''

Will shrugged. ''You're right, of course.''

''Do you think we will struggle to find them in the crowd? George said the principle didn't allow phones inside.''

''I'm sure Alex has worn something incredibly over the top and we will immediately spot him. You know how he is.''

''It can't be that over the top.''

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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