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stephen: im so sorry will

bigwill: its ok

stephen: tf no its not

stephen: i can't believe i outed you to greg from all people

bigwill: it wasn't on purpose

stephen: so??

stephen: how are the others

bigwill: george is angry at everyone and everything and james is trying to calm him while alex is clearly STILL jealous of george and james. fraser sent me some unfunny memes about jk rowling and greg messaged me through keem's account to tell me how he is going to out me

stephen: should i come over

bigwill: nah

stephen: give me five minutes

bigwill: stephen no

stephen: im outside, open up

bigwill: can't, my parents are here

stephen: open your window

bigwill: lmao

bigwill: wait, really?

stephen: yes, really

bigwill: there is a ladder underneath the balcony, be careful tho its not that steady

bigwill: im sorry i look like shit, im an ugly crier

stephen: you literally never look like shit stfu

if there is anything you would like to see in this, please tell me im outlining rn and im stuck

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now