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stephen: sorry i had to leave will, i didn't want you to get in trouble because of me

stephen: please text me when you wake up and take care

stephen: love you dude, we're all here for you

read 5:34

bigwill: thank you for yesterday ste, means a lot

stephen: how are you feeling?

bigwill: i want to die

stephen: are you sure you want to come to school today

bigwill: mama raised no coward

stephen: you wouldn't be considered a coward if you didn't show up today

bigwill: but i would consider myself a coward and that's all that matters

stephen: just promise me you will stick with us and you will not get yourself in trouble

bigwill: mm

stephen: will-

bigwill: see ya at school!!

stephen: WILL-


i cant believe alex and fraser just fucked off to spain like its nothing sksksk this is how my dream life would be tbh full of spontaneous trips with friends

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now