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bathH2Ostan: can ste and will stop looking @ each other like THAT im trying to eat,,, the energy is so weird these days

memeulous: ikr, they might as well have sex in the cafeteria

inabber: let them be IN LOVE they deserve it

bathH2Ostan: and i deserve to eat my toast in peace

stephen: and i deserve to be eaten out in peace but yall won't stop messaging this stupid gc

marriott: omg

bathH2Ostan: where are you guys??

stephen: will's place

marriott: so much for being the virgin of the group

inabber: what am i then?

memeulous: annoying tbh

inabber: fuck you too

willne: keep spamming and i won't bring any alcohol this weekend

bathH2Ostan: its fine, james and josh have it covered

joshy: i got the juice

stephen: ffs

inabber: does anyone else feel the need to spam the chat just to annoy ste and will

marriott: ikrr

willne: fraser youre supposed to be the nice one

inabber: doesn't take much to be the nice one in this group

bathH2Ostan: we're all nice wdym???

inabber: yeah thats why half of our class hates us

marriott: its bc we are dating each other and ignoring these hoes

joshy: alex is a hoe, why dont u ignore him

marriott: fair point

bathH2Ostan: guess who isnt having sex today

willne: not me

stephen: definitely not me

marriott: y'all had sex 3 times and won't stop talking about it, shut UP

stephen: >:(

willne: turning notifications off, let's get this number to 4

memeulous: MA'AM THIS IS A WENDY'S

inabber: happy 4rth sexual interaction w/ each other ✨

bathH2Ostan: why is fraser like this



im sorry for being gone for so long, im back now and i will soon finish this book

this book is dead and so is our little community ngl, but i won't go down without a fight

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now