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beansss: how is will?

memeulous: he looks like shit and he keeps smiling and making jokes but it's so obvious he is faking it

beansss: same as stephen then

memeulous: yeap

beansss: if they both like each other this much then maybe they should just,,, get together

memeulous: yeah, no shit, but will is in denial

beansss: i have an idea

memeulous: oh no

memeulous: what is it

beansss: remember when cam was here and will got really jealous,,,

memeulous: we are NOT bringing cam into this

beansss: well, we arent going to use cam

beansss: what if,,,will,, thought that stephen was dating somebody else and was over him?

memeulous: this sounds like such a bad plan

memeulous: but i can get behind that. we can't tell the others tho

beansss: yeah, alex and james wouldnt be much help

memeulous: you know what would really, really affect will?

beansss: ?

memeulous: if he thought stephen was dating someone else AND had sex with them too

beansss: oh this would definitely make him realize his feelings

beansss: should we actually do it?

memeulous: idk,,, theres so much that could go wrong.. and stephen is definitely not talking to us even again

memeulous: fuck it, let's do it. im tired of this bullshit

beansss: yesss team beans !!

memeulous: team beans!!


time to turn this into a cringey cliche fanfiction ig

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now