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bathH2Ostan: WHAT the ACTUAL fuck

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bathH2Ostan: WHAT the ACTUAL fuck

marriott: i-

stephen: im literally wheezing

memeulous: tag yourselves im the nutte sac

stephen: im the horngus

bathH2Ostan: im the dongfish (get it??)

memeulous: we get it alex, you have a huge dong, we have (unfortunately) seen it

stephen: now you reminded me of alex's dick pic yikes

bathH2Ostan: it was a good pic i dont understand why you guys keep complaining

memeulous: it was from a good angle, i will give you that

marriott: oi stop talking about my boyfriend's dick pic 😡🔪

stephen: no ones trying to take alex away from you james, we all find him repulsive to look at

memeulous: he is a gremlin

bathH2Ostan: im literally the hottest one in this gc (aside from james uwu)

stephen: wRONG

stephen: will is the hottest 😌

willne: no u

stephen: no u

memeulous: shut up omg youre actually worse than alex and james

bathH2Ostan: we are way cuter

beansss: not to interrupt but since when are you and george talking again

bathH2Ostan: we made up two hours ago, dont ask for details

marriott: finally omg

marriott: i was so tired of your shit

memeulous: i missed you alex 💕😚

bathH2Ostan: missed you too bb 💞😳

beansss: thats kinda gay 😐

willne: fuck the gays, this is a heterosexual only groupchat

memeulous: wish i could fuck a gay 😐

willne: me too 😐

stephen: am i a joke to you

marriott: is it horny hours already, it's only 9pm

memeulous: its always horny hours here

bathH2Ostan: if you want me guys to send you another pic i will (just dont tell james)

marriott: absolutely not

stephen: oh please alex i beg u send me a picture of your massive dong

beansss: damn

stephen: omg he actually dmed me a nude

marriott: ALEX

willne: ALEX

stephen: im joking guys calm down

stephen: or am i 😏

willne: ihu

stephen: no u dont

willne: no i dont

memeulous: this is getting annoying

beansss: text josh so you can be cute with him like they are

memeulous: oh youre right

beansss: im just gonna rewatch stranger things for the 4th time dont mind me

stephen: come over, will, his sister and i are making pancakes and we need help

beansss: oh great, i have this new recipe i would like to try out

willne: dork

beansss: shush, im not a dork

stephen: yes you are

bathH2Ostan: yes you are

willne: yes you are

memeulous: yes you are

marriott: yes you are

beansss: lies and slander


pic stolen from twitter sorry

ok so i have an issue,,, i want to finish this book but i just don't know how?? i don't want the ending to be disappointing but i also want it to be wholesome and soft and i just feel like im gonna let down everyone no matter what and yeah im Stressed sorry this doesn't make any sense it's just a stupid rant thank you for putting up with this

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now