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willne: alex is still not talking to george

stephen: wtf is alex's problem

willne: i have no idea

stephen: surely there must be a reason?

willne: yeah unless he finally lost it

stephen: has james talked to him about it?

willne: he tried but alex knows how to avoid a topic when he wants to

stephen: how will we make him open up

willne: we won't

willne: if alex doesn't want to open up, then we can't make him. we just have to wait until he gets tired of this whole thing

stephen: ...

stephen: yeah, i dont like this

stephen: im gonna text george real quick....

willne: stephen—

stephen: trust me

willne: ugh

willne: ok whatever

stephen: <3

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now