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joshy: hi george x

memeulous: oh hi

joshy: great party yesterday, i had a really good time ❤

memeulous: thank you :)

joshy: you really went all out

memeulous: haha yes

joshy: uhh..did i do something wrong?

memeulous: no ofc not

joshy: its just,, yesterday after i kissed your cheek you started avoiding me and now you're texting me a bit weird

memeulous: i didn't avoid you what are you talking about

joshy: i came to talk to you and you immediately started dancing with fraser

joshy: you literally never dance. ever

memeulous: maybe it was just my bday and i wanted to let loose?

joshy: no cause i think i made you uncomfortable because i hugged you and kissed you and like..ik we haven't been talking to each other for that long

joshy: and i didn't want to do this over text but ngl i really like you and i thought you did too. its ok if you dont its just im sorry if made you uncomfortable

joshy: did that make any sense, i feel like it didn't

memeulous: dont be stupid, ofc i like you too, why else would i invite you to my bday party lol

joshy: no, you dont understand, i LIKE like you

memeulous: WHAT

joshy: ohmygod i knew it, i completely misread the situation im SO sorry

memeulous: no wait you have a girlfriend

joshy: since when??

memeulous: but you introduced me to her yesterday

joshy: what are you on about

joshy: wait you mean becky??

memeulous: ..yes

joshy: she is my best friend not my gf

joshy: wait you thought-

memeulous: yeap.

joshy: you beautiful idiot

memeulous: what else was i supposed to assume you hugged each other constantly and she literally bit your ear

joshy: fraser was sitting in your lap,you didnt see me assuming

memeulous: its different, you already knew what a clingy fuck fraser is

joshy: so you weren't avoiding me because you got creeped out?

memeulous: obviously

joshy: so um

joshy: do you want to go on a date with me?




now go drink some water boss x

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now