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marriott: help alex won't stop asking me for a dick pic

beansss: wtf

memeulous: leave my daddy alone alex

bathH2Ostan: still calling him daddy?

memeulous: are you jealous?


bathH2Ostan: why would i be jealous lol

memeulous: idk,why do you want to see his cock so bad

bigwill: i hate this gc so much CAN Y'ALL SHUT UP FOR 5 MINUTES

marriott: are we cockblocking you?

bigwill: ..just shut up

bathH2Ostan: is stephen with you? ;)

marriott: ohhh

stephen: im with my grandma

marriott: oh.

beansss: oof

bigwill: um

stephen: its ok

i watched the alfie deyes video w/ fraser and alex and ahhh it was so weird?? alfie is really weird in general and his fans are so fucking weird too like??? the comments are so cringey and awful.

i get the worst vibes from him,can't believe i watched the whole thing. i understand what fraser and alex are trying to do and i respect them for it but if i have to watch another minute of alfie deyes talking i will game end myself

anyways,fraser replied to my comment:

anyways,fraser replied to my comment:

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he is tall.

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now