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memeulous: im a fucking idiot,,

memeulous: josh wished me happy birthday and my reply was "you too"

memeulous: can i just game end myself already

marriott: lmao

beansss: sksksks

bathH2Ostan: i can't believe you just-

stephen: you sad,old virgin

memeulous: im just a year older than you and you're a virgin too tf

stephen: yeah, but i can actually talk properly

marriott: i remember last year when will told you "good morning" and you replied "happy new year",,,, it was november


bigwill: i have never seen someone blush so much

bathH2Ostan: aww

memeulous: now i feel better about myself, thank you stephen for being a complete dumbass

memeulous: also don't forget, im throwing a party tonight @ my place, i DONT want any gifts but bring alcohol if you want

beansss: did you invite joshy?

memeulous: yeap!!

marriott: already bought you a gift oops

memeulous: thank you daddy

bathH2Ostan: back off-

stephen: calm down al

beansss: what !! did !! joshy !! say

memeulous: he !! said !! yes !!

bathH2Ostan: you didn't ask him to marry you, you just invited him to your party tf

beansss: its a big deal alex, stfu

marriott: did fraser,, just told alex,, to stfu

beansss: omg im so sorry i was just defending george i didn't mean to-

memeulous: hey fraser

beansss: ?

memeulous: you have big soft energy

beansss: uwu

bigwill: what does that even mean tf

stephen: you're a local will shh

bigwill: ok then ):


i want to write the milk fic - commentary crew edition but im also working on a alex/james thing but i also have this one true geordie thing on my mind and i also have this wip my friend is waiting for me to finish ahh

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now