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marriott: alex just told me he thinks he is ugly and i just,,,

marriott: alex just told me he thinks he is ugly and i just,,,

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bigwill: if alex is ugly, what am i

memeulous: a nonce

stephen: i- 💀

bigwill: how is that relevant-

beansss: ok but alex is really pretty wtf


bigwill: fuck off alex you're gorgeous

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bigwill: fuck off alex you're gorgeous

beansss: aww

memeulous: who is coming today?

marriott: me,alex,will and you.
fraser and stephen are busy fucking

bigwill: uh

beansss: we're going to see captain marvel,not fuck

marriott: looks like a date to me but sure

stephen: i prefer to see a movie, than getting wasted again. last time i almost threw up @ will

marriott: yeah,as i said before: fraser and stephen are going on a date

stephen: whatever

beansss: does that mean i actually got someone to go an a date with me

beansss: what should i wear

stephen: the less clothing, the better 😉👌



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ok so this is a secret but i lowkey kinda love alex and i think he deserves the world.

get ready for some drama 👀

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now