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stephen: here it is

- file attached -

beansss: thanks mate

stephen: np

beansss: am i really that cringey?

stephen: wtf no i was just joking like always

stephen: is everything ok?

beansss: not really

beansss: will called me an annoying prick the other day and not in a playful way

stephen: he didn't mean it,he was probably angry at somebody/sth else

beansss: if he said it he has probably thought about it before

stephen: you're not annoying or cringey i mean it

beansss: ..can you come over im crying lol

stephen: omw please calm down

stephen: i want to kill will

fraser is a fucking icon:

fraser is a fucking icon:

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i stan

let me down slowly // steNe | willne x stephen triesWhere stories live. Discover now