One Direction Quotes! Ch24

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I don't care if you think One Direction is gay, lame, dumb etc. They actually have some pretty intelligent words of wisdom or whatever. So, I present you One Direction Quotes.

And thanks for reading, guys. :)



1011. The worst thing a boy could do to a girl?Personally, I think it's to ignore her while she is loving you with all her heart. -- Liam

1012. Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. -- Liam

1013. Learn to appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate what you had. -- Zayn

1014. I'll always defend the people I lvoe even though I'm as terrifying as a baby penguin. -- Niall

1015. I want to tell a girl exactly how I feel from the off. It's frustrating because I'd rather play the hard-to-get gam, but I'm too much of a girl. -- Louis

1016. Sometimes, the girls hug all boys except me, I just smile but it hurts. -- Niall

1017. I don't think you can really define love. -- Harry

1018. Just because you know someone would wait for you forever doesn't mean you can let them wait for you. -- Harry 

1019. Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain. -- Louis

1020. No matter how many people try to critize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong. -- Zayn

1021. I'd rather be a kid and play with paper planes than be a man and play with a woman's heart. -- Niall

1022. I think you just know if someone likes you for who you are or for who they think you are. -- Harry

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