Because Everybody Needs to Smile Ch41

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1411. Make someone smile whenever you can, you never know how much of a difference you could be making in their life at that moment. 

1412. Everybody needs someone who can make them laugh when they think that they'll never smile again. 

1413. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain. 

1415. "I don't mind when our conversations get a little bit boring and we run our of things to say, just having you is enough to make me happy."

1416. Random Fact: If you smile even if you're in a bad moo, it will immediately improve your mood, because the simple action of thinking about smiling & using the muscles is enough to trigger the happy chemicals in the brain. 

1417. "If your day didn't include making someone smile, you're doing it wrong."

1418. Insecurity knocks from time to time. Invite it in for a cup of coffee, talk with it, understand it, then take that sugar spoon and POKE IT IN THE EYE!

1419. "I know that it hurts, but keep trying." 

1420. No matter what you're going to do tomorrow, today is just as important. Make the most of it. 


And that's it for this week.

Sorry I haven't been able to update earlier. I do not own any of these quotes

Thanks for reading!

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