Chapter 1

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Feel free to point out mistakes and suggest changes. This is not edited so it sure will have loads of mistakes. All the best for understanding those :D

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The door bell rang, echoing across the whole house and snapping me out of my trance. I groaned in frustration and wiped my sweaty forehead.

"Clary open the door I am busy here." Mom called out from the kitchen trying to master the cookies she had been trying to make from the past week and failing miserably.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I didn't want to walk down there,open the door and come back up in my room. That would be so much work.

The door bell rang again.

"Clarissa open the damn door!" My mother called out again. I almost laughed out at the annoyance in her tone. My lack of patience had definitely came from my dear mother.

"Yes yes mom,chill!" I said as I walked towards the door.

I opened the door and almost screamed out loud when I got tackled in a hug. The smell of roses surrounding me immediately after.

"Clarissa dear,oh,it's so nice to see you." A gentle voice spoke up.

Before I could say anything my mom came near the door "Clary who is -" and screamed at the sight of the lady who still had me in her arms.

Talk about personal space.

Yeah back to my mother,I almost had a heart attack at her scream.

"Grace, oh my god, it's been so long!" And before I know what is happening,I get pushed away from the lady and the two ladies are embracing,screaming into each other's arms. One in an apron stained with chocolate and jelly while other in a sophisticated suit.

After they calm down from all that my mother faces me with a wide smile. I almost creep out with that big smile on her face which makes her eyes disappear.

"Clary you remember Grace don't you?" My mother asks combing back her jet black hair from her face.


"Oh yes definitely!" I say enthusiastically,much too enthusiastically.

"How is Katja?" My mother asks the lady who definitely likes to hug a lot.

Katja. Now I remember! Katja is a 13 year old girl who comes to my mother's dance institute. She has been coming to the institution for the last 5 years. Apparently Grace is her mother and my mother's best friend. They became friends,well, more like best friends when Grace came to drop Katja at the institute. They used to hang out all the time but this all changed when Grace got busy in setting up her own new business by herself and they didn't meet for the past year until now.

Sure they talked on the phone way too much but the face to face meeting was completely different for them. As you can see.

"She is great actually and wants to come to the institute everyday. She loves dancing and have become a great little dancer. All thanks to you and Clary." Grace gives me a warm smile.

I don't why my mother is asking about Katja. She met her just yesterday. I shake my head at the weird lady that is my mother.

I was just about to leave the place to the two ladies and return to my room to practice my new dance steps that I was gonna teach the people tomorrow in the institute when Grace caught hold of my hand.

"Come sit with us." She spoke up,a glint in her eyes.

I wanted to scream a big no and return to my love,dancing but I forced a small smile on my face and followed them inside the living room.

"So Jen, how is the dance institute going on?" Grace asked my mother.

A small smile made a way on her face. She was just in love with dancing as I was. "You should ask Clary,she is the one who teaches the people. I just sit in my office and relax." My mother chuckled.

True, I help my mother with the dance institute. My mother started teaching me how to dance when I was just a little child. And from then I grew up loving and living dance. So whenever I got the opportunity I went to the institute and taught people otherwise mom was always there with the other assistants. It was always her dream to open a dance institute and give a floor to the talented and she had achieved it. My mother's institute was the best dance institute in our city. She went through a lot and I am happy that she finally got to do what she desired.

"Oh come on mom!" I laughed. "I only come there when I get the time to. It's all you not me."

Grace who was observing the exchange smiled at us.

"I am glad that it is a success. And Clarissa what about school? How are you catching up?" She asked. She has always been a talkative lady.

"It's .... great." I nod my head,the forced smile coming up again. School was far from great.

"Alright,enough about us. Tell me about you,what made you come here and surprise us?" My mom asked,her eyes widening as she talked.

As my mother asked that,a completely different look replaced Grace's face. She looked super excited and happy. She moved her hand inside her hand bag and pulled out an envelope and gave it to my mother.

"What is this?" Grace just asked my mother to read the envelope and she did. After reading the envelope my mom also looked excited and that creepy smile came up on her face again.

"God Grace! I'll be so happy to attend it. Congratulations." My mother hugged her.

I looked at them,totally and utterly confused.

What the hell is happening?


First chapter!

You'll understand everything in the next chapter. Stay tuned and don't forget to vote and comment.


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