Chapter 4

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"Mom! I am home." I yelled as I closed the door behind me.

"I am in the kitchen." Mom yelled back. I threw my back pack on the couch and walked into the kitchen where mom was eating something with her phone in her hands.

As she saw me, she smiled at me and pushed her plate towards me. The plate had fried fries. I rolled my eyes. "You work all day,dance and loose your weight and then come home and stuff yourself with this junk." I mock mom.

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Shut up and eat otherwise I'll finish it." I poked my tongue out and began eating. Junk food was love. "And Clary" mom began. "Yes." I said. "Don't ever try to mock me." And with that we were both laughing.

Mom and I were suckers when it came to food,especially junk food. She tried to feed me healthy stuff too but junk food all the way.

"So how was the institute today." I asked as I pulled out my homework. I usually completed all my homework while eating so that I could go to the dance institute with mom after lunch. She usually was back for lunch everyday and when she was not I walked to the institute that was just a 10 minute walk from my house.

"Great,as usual. The girls are really excited for today. They told me that you promised them a new dance today." Mom smiled fishing out some orange juice from the fridge.

"Yes." I nodded,smiling. " I was thinking about salsa."

Mom gave me a thumbs up as I continued with my homework.

"And yes, Grace and Jake will be joining us soon in the institute." Mom said.

I started doodling on my notebook. "What do you think she will make us do? What kind of dance form or on which song?" I asked, suddenly nervous.

"Knowing Grace,she will want to make this as romantic as she can. So she will definitely choose a romantic song and I don't know about the dance form but it will be very touchy touchy." She waggled her eyebrows. I gagged.

"Ew,I am out of here. Bye. I can't dance like that with Jake." I slipped my half completed homework in my back pack and started towards my room.

"What? But I thought you and Jake were,I mean you both were really cosy when he used to come and drop his sister at the institute." I stiffened. My mom noticed that.

"Nothing was there between me and Jake and nothing will ever happen." I said,my tone ice cold. My mom was completely bewildered at my tone.

"Okay honey." She replied,unsure. "But don't quit. You already said yes and she will be paying you, remember?" Mom asked gently.

I hated quitters. "I am not a quitter mom. I'll perform."

"Great!" She patted my back and busied herself with her phone. "Go and get ready so that we can get going."

I nodded and went to my room to freshen up.

I changed into a pair of comfy grey joggers and a black tank top.

I changed into a pair of comfy grey joggers and a black tank top

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Clarissa's outfit^^

We reached the institute and a familiar comfort washed over me. This was my comfort zone.

"Clarissa!" Bennet called. Bennet was an instructor that helped my mom at the institute.

"Hey Bennet." I gained a side hug from the over energetic 22 year old man child. Though I should be a child,I am 4 years younger than him but no,he doesn't let me be. I laughed at him.

"Salsa?" He asked. I nodded,an excited smile on my face. He winked in return.

"Guys listen!" I shouted at the crowded room. Silence greeted me.


"Today I have decided to introduce salsa to you all because most of you have been demanding for it." I looked at the girls who looked away. I suppressed a smile. "So find a partner and make a line here." I pointed at an area.

Girls and guys found each other a partner. This afternoon batch was full of highschoolers and teenagers.

"Okay Bennet come over here." I looked over at the man stretching his legs.

"Boys you follow Bennet and girls you follow me." Bennet put a hand on my waist and pulled me towards him. The boys followed,a blush covering the cheeks of both,the boys and the girls. I shared a look with Bennet and smiled at the room. They looked so uncomfortable.

"Loosen up guys and do like this..." And with that the class started.

I was so indulged in dancing and teaching that I didn't hear my mother calling for me.

"Clary!" She tapped my shoulder. I broke out of my trance and looked at my annoyed mother.

I gave her a questioning look.

"They are here." She replied.

My breath hitched. I looked over her shoulder and surely there they were.

Grace and her son,Jake Mason the boy who broke my heart.



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