Chapter 14

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Today was Monday. School was a mental torture.

Jake was weird. He looked like he was not getting any sleep,he had dark circles under his eyes. He was avoiding my eye contact. He looked away whenever we made one. I mean I don't mind,we don't talk but it was kind of bothering me. His hair were a mess but he still managed to look adorable.

Ew stop. The boy for God's sake broke your goddamn heart Clarissa.

But I can't help how I feel!

That was bothering me to no end. I can't just stop my feelings for him. I decided that it was great to make an effort to move on from him. Not that I haven't tried but I'll make more of an effort. But deep inside me I knew that however hard I tried I'll always have a soft corner for him no matter what because he was and is my first love and I can't change that.

After school Taylor gave me a lift to the dance institute. The whole way there she was continuously telling me that it was okay for her to turn her car around and I don't have to go to that dance practice with that jerk.

I smiled at her concern but finally told her that it's okay and reminded her my promise to Grace and mom. At last she sighed and gave up.

The dance practice was awkward as usual. Jake wouldn't meet my eyes and I felt bad about that which I shouldn't be feeling. Mom wasn't there because she had her dentist appointment so Grace and Katja went home early after her practice. After they went home I also called out the practice.

I had to walk home because mom wasn't there. Great! After getting my bag,water bottle and towel I got out of the institute saying bye to everyone. It was a warm day and the humidity in the air made my already sweaty hair and clothes cling to me tightly. I sighed in annoyance. I was already irritated by the warmth and the humidity. I just wanted to get home,get a shower and take a nap.

As soon as I got out I saw Jake getting in his car. I almost smiled looking at his car. His black BMW was something that always bought great memories back. He took me on multiple dates and long drives in this car with us singing loudly with the radio. I was in my day dream,walking slowly towards my house when suddenly a honk made me jump.

I glared at the black BMW which was now standing right in front of me.

"What?!" I snapped at Jake who was looking at me finally after the long day,his brown eyes shining brightly under the sun.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked softly, studying my face while doing so.

I scoffed. Is he for real?

"No thanks." I said,a forced fake, sarcastic smile was stamped on my face. With that I started to walk.

"It's a long walk Clarissa." He sighed. "And it's hot outside. I'll just give you a ride and drop you off." His deep voice said. The air conditioning in the car was already cooling me and was soo inviting.

I finally sighed. Instead of walking for twenty minutes in this hot weather I'll rather take up a ride in an air conditioned car. And if he says anything I'll punch him,simple as that.

"Fine!" I muttered with an edge to my voice. His eyes almost widened like he was not expecting what I just said.

I got in the car. The interiors were the same as I last remember. His car was a pure beauty with black interior. What I loved most about this car was it's amazing music system to which we always sang out loud too and it's amazing black leather seats on which we used to make out on. I sighed. Bitter sweet memories. Those memories still make my heart hurt.

I sat on the seat almost weirdly. I was attached to the door,sticking to it as if my life depended on it to avoid even minimum of skin contact from his large hand on the gear.

He noticed that but seemed to ignore it. The car ride was the most uncomfortable and awkward car ride I have ever had in my life. We both were tense with silence so thick in the air that I swore I could cut with a knife.

The music was playing softly in the background and I noticed his hands were frozen on his steering wheel,getting white with the tight grip.

I was studying Jake with the corner of my eyes. He looked the same except the grown stubble on his chin and a small scar on his forehead which was almost hidden by his hair. I almost wanted to run my hand through his scar and ask him what happened but I kept my mouth shut. As I was looking, suddenly his eyes snapped to mine. I panicked and immediately turned my face around to look outside the window. My heart was beating so loudly that I was sure Jake could hear it.

We finally reached my house. I sighed in relief. I was just about to get out of the car when his deep,husky voice stopped me. "Clarissa. Wait." I froze in my spot and turned my eyes to him.

His eyes looked pain and his hand held a white envelope in it. I raised my eyebrow.

"This..." He cleared his throat.  "At the party when you told me those words (you broke me) it it...." He took a deep breath. "Look just read this letter and you will figure it out. I understand if you don't want to read this but please do." His eyes pleaded with me as he passed me the letter.

I looked at Jake and the letter turn by turn. I didn't know what to do but finally took the letter from his hands carefully. Jake sighed with relief. "Thank you." He mumbled.

With that I got out of his car and mumbled a thanks for the ride and went inside my house without turning back. But I knew that his eyes were following my every move and he stayed there until I got inside my house safely just like he used to do.


Guysssssssss! What do you think is inside that letter?

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