Chapter 17

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I started to actually understand his side of story,his panic at being told that he is going to be a father.

"I didn't know what to do. I was just standing frozen at my spot when Madison started complaining that she was feeling dizzy and almost slipped on the ground." His tone was bitter.

"My mind had only one thing in it. Madison being pregnant with my child. So I did not even register what I was doing and what I should do and took her to her place." Jake looked at me with pain in his eye.

"I looked after her the whole Sunday because I can't just leave someone who was pregnant. She was dizzy and had headaches and what not." He scoffed and shook his head bitterly.

"I didn't tell anyone. I wasn't even aware where my phone was. I was so tensed." Jake's eyes found mine. I nodded for him to continue.

"The next day me and Madison entered the school together. I picked her and up and all. I wanted to make sure she was okay at all times and see that nothing happened to my child. When I entered I saw you. That's when it all came rushing back to me." He looked at me. "I realised then how it may look to you. How confused and hurt you might be. I felt like crying when I saw your expression then. I knew from that face that I hurt you, so badly. I wanted to tell you then and there,every little thing and just wanted to let you know everything that was going on and how much I cared for you because I do,I really do. And I was coming to you when suddenly Madison." He gritted his teeth tightly. "When suddenly Madison took hold of me and said that she was feeling sick and wanted to go to the washroom. I couldn't just ignore her. I got her pregnant was what circulating through my mind. So I took her."

"After that I wasn't even aware of anything going on around me. My phone was abandoned somewhere,I was not able to get any sleep. I was a mess."

"Suddenly one day after I returned to Madison's house to give her some ice cream because she was craving one I heard her talking over the phone to someone" Jake clenched his hands into tight fists.

"She was laughing at something and said that she wished she was really pregnant and wanted me to all to herself. I was disgusted at that. She was not pregnant,she was faking it just to get my attention because apparently she was in love with me." He laughed coldly. "I confronted her and told her to back off and never to come near me. I almost cried at the relief I felt but you know what,I got attached to that non existent baby. At the end I realised that it hurt that she wasn't pregnant because I got so so attached to the idea of a baby and me being a father."

I don't know what came over me but I reached forward and covered his hand with mine on his knee. He looked at me with a small smile on his face,his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"At that moment I decided to rush to you and tell you the whole thing. I came to your house only to see Adam leaving your house after kissing you on the lips. You gave him the exact same smile that you gave me whenever I kissed you. I realised that you have moved on and were finally happy with someone. I did not make a big deal because I  knew I hurt you and you would rather be with him than someone who hurt you so badly. That day was the worst day of my life because I lost the two most important people who I cared about the most,my child that never existed and you." A small tear escaped his eye as it fell on his cheek.

I immediately got up and wiped it softly. "I am so sorry Jake,for what you had to go through." I whispered. His head was on my shoulder and he was crying softly. I believed him and that gave me a sense of relief. Obviously it will take time for me to get through that and trust Jake completely but it was a start.

"Rissa I am so so sorry for what I put you through. You don't know how much I regret going out that night instead of just staying with you. You were always there for me and I hurt you. I am so sorry." His voice came out a little shaky as he mumbled this,his head still on my shoulder.

My hand reached out for his messy hair but I stopped myself. We were not like we used to be, I can't do this. As if sensing my hesitation about something Jake drew back from me and saw my hand in mid air near his head.

I drew it back immediately and looked down at it with embarrassment.

What the hell!

He carefully took one of my hands in his large ones and gingerly placed it on his shoulder as if giving me permission to touch him.

I did not think. I just covered the distance between us and hugged him tightly. I was probably going to regret it later.

My hand was in his hair,combing through it softly. My face was buried in his neck with his scent surrounding me. Oh how much I missed him.

I missed him soo much.

My eyes got watery. I was way too emotional these days. And I started crying softly.

His arms tightened around me. His fingers dug into my waist as he pulled me closer to him. He missed me too.

"I am so sorry Rissa. So so sorry."


I am crying.

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