Chapter 42

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"Madison I think that you should go home." Jake said calmly.

How can he be so calm right now?

She fell on her knees. What the hell is going on with this dramatic girl.

"Jake I love you. Why are you doing this to me? I know that you love me too." Madison sobbed.

Jake's eyes were wide with panic and confusion. He didn't know what to do either.

He went to Madison and picked her up gently by her shoulders. She started smiling weirdly at that.

"I knew it! You love me too." I rolled my eyes.

Jake took her to her car and opened the door for her. After making her settle in he closed the door back again and bent down to the level of window.

"I think that you should go home Madison." Jake repeated again, more gently.

"You'll call me? Please say yes." Her lips started getting wobbly again.

Jake gave me a quick glance. I nodded.

"Yes. I'll call you." Madison smiled immediately.

"Ok. Bye Jake. I love you." Madison waved at Jake and drove away.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as we entered Jake's house.

"I am thinking the same thing." Jake said as he put the bags near the staircase.

"No one acts like this." I said as I sat down on the couch.

"Well, Madison can. She can be very unpredictable." Jake said.

"But Jake didn't you ever think that something could be wrong. I mean no one behaves like this." I frowned.

"Rissa don't overthink. I am sure it's nothing." He tried to reassure me but I kept thinking about it.

"Jake she was freaking howling on her knees just because you asked her to go home." I tried reasoning.

Jake frowned at that.

"Do you know any of her family? I just want to make sure that I am not overthinking." I said as I moved to Jake and sat on his lap.

He kissed me on my cheek. "Yeah. I have his brother's number. He is three years older than us and goes to a college about an hour away."

I nodded. "We should talk to him I think."

Jake reached for his phone. He started fidgeting with it then pulled it to his ear.

There was silence for about a minute then Jake put his phone on speaker.

"Hello." A booming voice startled me.

"Hey Ryan. This is Jake." Jake replied.

"Hey. What's up?" Ryan answered.

"Actually this is about your sister." There was a long silence on the call.

"What did she do?" Ryan asked quietly.

Jake told him the whole story.

"I don't know if we should be worried or not. It just felt a little weird so I called you. Is there something to be worried about?" Jake asked.

Ryan sighed heavily. It seemed like he was a little hesitant.

"I can't say much. But it's a bad sign of what you are telling me. Madison was a victim of child abuse and had a history of bipolar disorder. She have been in therapy and on meds for a very long time."

I sucked in a huge breath at the information. Jake's and mine eyes met and there was a look of panic on both of our faces.

"Where are you right now Ryan?" Jake asked.

"I am home. I'll have to talk to mom and dad  about this. Thanks for telling me." Ryan sighed.

"Will she be alright?" Jake asked again and I nodded.

"Don't worry we will take care of this. She just pulled up into the driveway. I gotta go." With that Ryan cut the call.

Jake's face had paled and he was looking out in the distance.

I felt very bad. My stomach clenched as I remembered the way I treated Madison. I shouldn't have judged her soo soon. I looked over to her bad side directly without even giving a thought about why she was doing this.

My heart went out to her, believe it or not. Child abuse was a serious thing that leaves a scar forver in one's life.

I let out a shaky breath. "Jake I am scared."

He just squeezed my thigh, not replying back.


It was a few days later.

Jake and I were in the dance institute going over the final things when suddenly Jake's phone began ringing.

He got hold of his phone and his expression became serious all of a sudden.

"It's Madison." Jake informed me.

I urged him to take her call. He did.

"Hello." He answered.

"Hi Jake." A weak voice came up from the speaker. It was Madison. It looked like she was crying.


"I am sorry for acting crazy. I don't know what was wrong with me but I am in a better place now." Her voice got shaky. "I am in a different city for some time so I wont be able to see you. But I just called to say sorry for everything. Please tell Clarissa and Taylor sorry too. I was horrible to them." She sniffled lightly on the call.

"You take care Madison. Just look out for yourself right now. I'll tell them that you called." Jake said in a gentle, polite tone.

"Thank you for understanding. I am so so sorry again." Her voice was shaky.

"It's okay." She sighed in relief over the call.

I looked at Jake. Has he really forgiven her?

"Ok thank you. Bye." Madison cut the call.

"I'll have to move on someday." He said looking at my confused face. "What she did was very bad but I can't just hold on it. I'll have to understand too why she did what she did. So I am holding no grudge now, I am trying to forgive her. It will take time but I'll have to do it eventually. Because I can't let it bother me anymore and her too. She needs to just look after herself now. Mental health is no joke. It leads people to such a bad place that it takes a lot of effort to get out of it."

I nodded in understanding.

Jake had a heart of gold that was clear.


The book is going to end soon

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