Chapter 43

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" Wow!" My mom whistled. I rolled my eyes.

"This dress looks soo good on you." My mom gushed as she joined me in front of my mirror.

It was the day finally. The day that we have been preparing for the last 2 to 3 months. Grace's and John's 25th anniversary.

I appreciated my form in the mirror. This dress really did suit me.

 This dress really did suit me

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Clarissa's outfit^^^^^^^

We all were ready. It was 7 30 in the morning and we were ready to drive to the Mason's beach house to surprise John.

The guests were asked to reach the beach house by 11. Then Grace would bring John with her around noon. That would be when we will surprise him.

I would be driving with Jake while my mom and dad would be driving seperately.

Taylor will be coming too with her parents but she will not reach the beach house till before lunch because her mother had something to take care of. Her mother and Jake's father were partners in buisness and apparently good friends.

I tried to convince her to come with me and Jake but she declined right away. "I don't want to be the third wheel, thank you very much."

I tried convincing her but she stayed rooted to her argument. She was very stubborn.

My mom smiled at me in the mirror. I smiled back. She was wearing a white floral dress that reached her knees, her hair were in a low bun and she looked outstanding.

We did not mind dressing like this because Grace assured us that there would be a heater in the beach house.

"I'll see what Max is doing, you come down fast. Jake will be here in some time."

I nodded.

I looked in the mirror and combed my hair by my hands for the last time. They looked perfect, curled at the ends. For my makeup I kept it light, just some eyeliner, mascara, a little blush on my cheeks and lipstick to top it off.

I smiled at myself in the mirror which was very rare. I really like what I saw.

The door bell rang. I got my clutch in a hurry and exited my room to go downstairs.

I was at the top of the staircase when I saw him. My jaw almost dropped at the sight I saw.

Jake was wearing a tuxedo looking soo handsome that I stopped for a second just to stare at him at the top of the stairs. The tuxedo fitted him properly and showed off his amazing physique at exactly the right places.

I was busy staring at him when his brown eyes met mine. He stood rooted at his spot as his eyes scanned me from up to down. His lips parted in awe when he did that.

We both were staring at each other without moving. It felt so dramatic, so cliche. Ugh. But I loved every second.

I felt like Cinderella walking down to her Prince charming. The Prince charming that was so handsome and so lovable.

I moved down the stairs slowly, my eyes still on Jake. He was watching me intently, taking in every step of mine.

I stopped in front of him. He didn't say anything. He just kept on looking at me like I was some kind of an angel.

"Beautiful." He breathed. "So so beautiful."

I smiled at his comment, my heart felt like it was doing sprints in my chest.

"You cleaned up well too." I straightened his tilted bow tie. "So handsome." I whispered the last part.

His lips found mine and he kissed me deeply.

My dad cleared his throat. Jake jumped a feet away from me. My dad looked stern in his black suit.

"Hello young man." My father greeted Jake sternly.

"Hello sir." Jake's ears were turning red. I stiffled a laughter.

"What are you doing with my daughter." My dad raised an eyebrow at Jake.

Jake opened and closed his mouth like a fish looking for an answer. He looked very uncomfortable.

"I-" Jake tried.

"Max leave the poor boy alone. Gosh!" My mom appeared behind dad passing an amused glance at us.

Dad looked at Jake warily before be burst out laughing. "I was kidding."

Jake joined in the laughter, laughing awkwardly. He still looked a lot uncomfortable.

"We will meet you there okay?" I said as I tugged at Jake's hand to get out before my parents taunted us anymore.

"No Clary, photos!" My mom yelled.

I groaned but gave in. We clicked some pictures. Me and Jake together, me and mom, me and dad, mom and Jake and lastly mom and dad.

It was quite a photo session. My mom wanted everyone's picture perfect.

We finally got over with the photo session and got on the road to the beach house. I was very excited for going back there. I loved it there.

The three hours passed by quickly and we pulled up in front of the beach house around 10 30.

We were the first ones there except for the caterers and the management team so we took our time to take in the decorations that Grace arranged for this program.

The theme of the whole party was white which contrasted perfectly with the brown floors. It was amazing. The whole beach house looked beautiful.

Soon mom and dad joined us and the guests started filing in. It was all great, I spent the hour meeting some friends of my parents and staying with Jake majority of time.

When it was time, mom announced that Grace had messaged her that they were just outside. So we all took our positions.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" We shouted as the couple walked in hand in hand.

John gasped loudly to see us all there. He seemed very surprised and hugged his wife to thank her.

"Wow. I am speechless." He said and the guests chuckled. "Thank you all for such a great surprise."

My mom took the initiative. "It was all Grace." Grace beamed up at John as he kissed her quickly.

"To the lovely couple. Happy 25 years of togetherness and many more to come." My mom made a toast.

"To Grace and John." Everyone made a toast and drank the champagne in celebration.

Jake was staring happily at his parents. Katja had joined us and she too, was looking at her parents with a big smile on her face.


Do you guys like attending weddings? I love them but they can be very tiring at times.

Vote and comment please!

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